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Monday, March 28, 2011

Who knew Gluttony could be cute?

Ok... so gluttony isn't exactly cute in and of itself... but I thought of a cute idea for it tonight. I amused myself anyway! I was flip-flopping between Wrath and Gluttony for this evening, but then this idea of a cute little children's literature character came into my head and that was it... Wrath will wait another day. :) I tried to get my friend Nikki to guess who it will be (without seeing the picture) and she came up with Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. Another cute glutton to be sure, but I did a Cookie inspired painting quite early on and didn't want to overload on that. So... it's another character. Oh, and I'm so not telling... if you can guess then points for you. I'd love to see what ideas you guys have. :)

Besides... the pics will be posted on Friday so the whole Sin Series will be available to see then. :) So excited about this! Nikki also suggested doing the Virtues after as a companion set idea... not so sure if that's doable. Maybe I relate better to sin?? Hmm... what does that say about me I wonder? I'm only human!

It's a later night than usual so I'm keeping this very short. Happy thoughts!


  1. I don't think I know what the virtues are! Lol

  2. Seven Heavenly Virtues are: chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.

  3. Hmm... painting those might be tricky. Could give it a shot though. Thanks Kiki!


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