Hello to the reader in Pakistan! I am constantly amazed by where this blog ends up! Not being overly familiar with blogging (still, I know) I'm not even sure how people are finding this one. I know Facebook is responsible for a lot of hits... share and keep sharing please... but otherwise, how does one even search for a blog? Well, maybe that'll be an experiment for this weekend. Every now and then I Google the name of this blog, but unless I add blogspot to the search string it doesn't pop up that easily. Oh well... I've got the next nine months to make it pop up on the first page. hehe :)
I am very happy with the way this series is turning out. It's great practice for contouring... still getting back into the swing of that so I can't swear it's fantastic or anything... but I'm enjoying it all the same. Did "Greed" tonight. I think it's kinda cute... there's a monster carrying an armful of money bags and his eyes bug out at the sight of a bill on the ground. Obviously it wouldn't be practical to try to pick it up, but Greed is all about wanting to acquire more and more all the time. So, I thought it was a fitting image. I saved the sin that would think it was the best for last... Pride. Will tackle that tomorrow and then post the pictures. Hope you like them!
On another note... I can't believe it's the last day of March already! Where has the time gone?? So much has happened in the world and in my own little piece of it. It's almost too much to comprehend. It's so great to have family and friends to help you through the hard times and to celebrate the happy times. Appreciate the people in your life! Even the ones you don't know. :) Good night!
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