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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog Views Slowing Down :(

Hmm... have been noticing a sad trend. The number of views per day seems to be decreasing. I guess it is hard to maintain interest when there isn't a lot of day to day change. I have been thinking about trying to change my original plan for selling the paintings. I wonder if doing it as we go would be better in some ways. Probably a lot harder to track and all that, but maybe it'd get some interest going again. Or, could do several small sales, say three during the year... every four months or so? I don't know... this is the first time I've ever tried something like this, and I'll say I haven't exactly started small! After all, I have 82 finished paintings right now. I still can't quite believe that I've painted that many!

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions for improvements, selling paintings, other marketing ideas please let me know either by commenting here, or by email: I'd really appreciate it!

Tonight's painting... well, I started the background yesterday but it wasn't dry so I left it for today. Then, this afternoon while my baby was asleep I started painting the daisies on (it's called "Daisy Trio"). Sadly, she woke up a little earlier than I hoped so I had to finish up this evening after a trip to the gym. That usually means I'm in for a later night... but it's only 10:30 so perhaps it won't be so bad after all. :) I touched up the three daisies and I think it looks pretty good. Of course, daisies are my favourite flower so I might be a little biased. ;)

Before I sign off I especially want to thank everyone who is coming and reading the blog. I think I check the stats every day because it's so nice to see proof that people are reading this stuff. It makes me happy! Well, who doesn't want a little 'happy' in their life? Share the 'happy' with your family and friends in whatever way seems best to you. Smiles are contagious. :) Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I love the daisies. They are my favorite flower.
    Then tulips. Then roses.


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