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Monday, August 1, 2011

Hoo Boy...

August is not off to an auspicious start in my book. While the day was beautiful weather-wise, and I did have lots of fun with the kids... we discovered that the weird warping in the floor that's been going on the last couple of days (Chris thought it was the door hinge) was not caused by the bathtub (yay) but probably by a slow, sneaky toilet leak. Nothing gross... but still damaging. Downstairs we took another closer look and found that yup, right where the toilet is there's a big wet spot in the ceiling and the drywall is a little softer there. Oh no. No no no no no. It's never good timing for potentially big repairs, but right now is really, well, less than ideal we'll put it that way. Sigh. Chris thought he had the problem figured out, went off to the store to get supplies, and from all appearances did fix it. For a few hours anyway. Now, just before bed, we've noticed that, sadly, it has begun to leak anew. It doesn't look good for our heroes. (I can still jest in the face of money flying away). So... he's poking at it again now (it's after 11 and he has to get up around 5am) and I guess we'll have to see what happens next. Anyone know a plumber who will work for cookies? I bake some seriously good cookies. :) Otherwise though... we had a good day. All of our plans kind of got botched what with the toilet, a teething baby, the bridge walk being at a different time of day than I thought, and all around general weirdness... but we still got some time together as a family and we did get to have some fun at home. So... it's all about the silver lining. You know, more or less.

In really good news, as pertains to this project, I finished two paintings tonight. Yay me. ;) The first one, for tonight, I called "Stained Glass" and it's colourful and blocky. Not much like my friend Erin's stained glass (which is amazing by the way... go check out her website Colour and Light) but still fun. After I finished that one I decided to just mess around with the leftover blobs of paint and came up with one that I think looks a bit like a leaf in autumn. So... beauty can be found in weird places if you let it sort of do its own thing. Both of tonight's paintings (the leaf one will be saved for emergencies) are on 4x6 boards.

I'm also starting a countdown.... 35 days until I become a full-time college student. Yup, the B.A. in theatre was great, enjoyed my time in that industry, but it is time for a change. I'm thinking next year I'll do some theatre stuff for charity... just to keep this ball rolling. :) It's making me feel good about things even when life throws a curve. So... think happy plumbing thoughts for me if you will... and have a great night!

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