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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Unfinished Painting

Paint can take a long time to dry. A really long time. Especially if you use oil paints... which I didn't... but still... this painting tonight was not done drying by ten pm and I need to sleep! So... I will finish it tomorrow. I know what I'm going to do to it, and it probably won't take too long... just have to do it!

Chris was suggesting (strongly) that I not do the whole year... I think he's trying to tell me I've got too much going on and that as usual I've bitten off a good deal more than I can chew. But how do you choose what to let go of? I really don't want to stop doing this because I promised myself and Children's Wish that I'd be in it for the year. Not only do I not want to fail myself, but I really really want to raise a lot of money for those kids. On the other hand, I also really don't want to fail school! We will just have to see how it goes... as much as I joke, sleep really isn't an option. The past few days have been a little tough. I'm not used to getting up this early. Yes, I'm well aware that there are many who get up earlier than me and have a tougher life... I'm not trying to take anything away, but a sudden change in routine combined with less sleep... well, over a few days/weeks/months it's going to take its toll! For now I'm going to do my best to stay with everything. If something has to give, well, I'll do my absolute best to be sure it's not this.

Anyway... enough babbling and worrying... I do lots of both apparently! I should sign off and go get some of that sleep... back tomorrow to finish up tonight's painting and tackle a new one. I forgot to mention this, but I finally ran out of the boards! The wonderful and generous donation that my sister-in-law's mom Joy made early on has been put to great use! She donated a bunch of paint, brushes, and 50 4x6 canvas boards to help me out. I knew they'd run out eventually, but it still came as a bit of a shock to realize they were all gone. So, thank you Joy for that donation and your support! And now, I'm really going... good night!

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