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Monday, August 29, 2011

What Happened To Monday?

Today just whizzed by! Got up early, did the whirlwind out the door thing, dropped the kids off at daycare, had coffee with Chris, walked him to work, then went for a lovely visit with my friend and her now eight week old baby (she is just so sweet!), then back to campus for lunch, some studying etc, then picked up the kids, the usual supper/bedtime routines, then attempted a trip to the gym (was thwarted by missing gym shoes, oops!) followed by groceries and gassing up the car (ouch). Home to paint and now off to bed. I got up at 5:15 this morning and it's a few minutes shy of 11pm... where did this day go? Jam packed and super fast. Just crazy. :)

I'm very excited about school starting next week, but I'm getting nervous too. I'm sure I've forgotten to do crucial things. Oh, yeah... like pick up the first aid certificate that I earned back in June. Whoops. Oh, and finish my WHMIS test and stuff. Sigh. I know there is more... but hey, that's what having the week to tie up loose ends is for, right? :)

Tonight's painting is called "Harbour Town" and is a 5x7 board. It's sort of loosely inspired by the Bedford Basin, since I've been seeing quite a lot of it lately. I quite like the MacDonald and MacKay bridges, and I like to try to imagine what it must have looked like here waaay back when. You know, without buildings, train tracks, container ships and the like. Sometimes I wish I could have been here to see it like that, but then I stop, shake my head and say no way. I like indoor plumbing, electricity, roads, airplanes... you know, all that stuff. Even if I sometimes complain about the price of gas, I can't complain about being able to jump in the car at a moment's notice and zip off to do something important. Could go with electric cars... or solar powered... or even better, cars powered by garbage, like in Back To The Future. Now that would be cool.

Anyway... I've been thinking of calling up some local coffee shops and cafes to see if they'd be willing to display some of the paintings and possibly sell them. I'd like to generate more interest and awareness for the project. I'm also debating sending some info to local tv and radio stations. I tried to pique the interest of a contact or two, but so far no one seems to be that intrigued. I really must do something or this is going to bust... and that is just not an option as far as I'm concerned. If anyone local is reading this, and is hankering for a way to help out with this project, please PLEASE let me know! I've never even tried to do this before and I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Not quitting. Never quitting. Just getting anxious.

Must remember why I am doing this. Nasty anxiety going away. Aaaaah. Bring on the zen. :)

Ok, on that note, I'm off to bed... or as I sometimes say "Bedfordshire". I think that's from the Bridget Jones's Diary movie... or maybe it's because we live near Bedford... not sure... but I think it's fun to say. Good night everyone! Happy Monday. :)

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