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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Sale?

Hey everyone... I was thinking about trying to organize a part-way through the project end of summer sale. Just because I think it might be a good way to get some more interest in the project and also to jump-start some fall/winter sales so people who are neurotic like me (it's a good thing, I swear) can do some Christmas shopping really early. :) So... if anyone has suggestions or wants to offer a helping hand... I'd love to hear it! Online sales are ongoing of course. If you want to buy a painting get in touch with me either here by leaving a comment, on facebook if you happen to be on my friends list, or by email at

I'd love to do a big huge end of year sale, but it's just not as practical as doing a couple of sales and maybe getting a table at one of the markets during the last few weeks of consumer mayhem. So, yeah, if there's a painting you just absolutely must have then get that request in quick.

Tonight's painting is an 8x10 board and is called "Green Hands". I'd like to think that people will look at it and think of their own hand in repairing the damage we have done to the world both environmentally, and maybe socially as well. Green is a great colour... my son's favourite... and suggests growth and life. Maybe if we took a look at how interconnected we are, and how our actions impact others, we'll grow towards a better life for all. Now... I almost called it something to do with gardening, but as my poor hostas, supposedly indestructible plants, will attest, I have virtually no green thumb to my name. So... we'll go a little more large scale on this one!

Oh, and if anyone is reading every day (thanks!) then today was a better day than yesterday. It was the first day my son said he didn't want to go to daycare... but then he admitted it was because it was raining and not because he didn't like daycare. As a bonus, by the end of the day it wasn't raining and the kids were all frolicking in the backyard so he was a happy camper. Good times.

So, good night until the morrow... 'twill be picture day again. Enjoy your Friday!!

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