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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weekends Are Too Short!

This weekend was jam packed with goodness... so of course it feels like it flew by way too quickly. I think we could use another day or two. :) Today was a trip to the Dingle Tower park for a romp in the playground, a dabbling of toes in the water, and a picnic. The kids had a very long snooze this afternoon and Chris and I got some chores done around the house. Some playtime, a yummy supper, a surprise Skype call, and then baths and bedtime. Then... downstairs to paint!

I got three paintings done tonight... one for tonight, called "Deep Water" and two for emergencies that may arise. I'm really trying to cover myself just in case school is waaaay more than I expect. So... oh, and tonight's is a 5x7 board, the other two are smaller.

My friend Trina sent me a link to Dotallism which is a very neat site from an artist who paints in pointillism. I used to really like stippling with pen and ink in high school art class, and pointillism is sort of like that. The effect it makes is really very cool. I might just have to give it a try between now and the end of the year. It's always nice to reconnect with art styles and techniques that you might have heard of, seen, or wanted to try but never did. Plus, with this project it's about experimentation as well as the finished product, so it is the perfect time to give new styles a go. That, and pointillism is featured in Stephen Sondheim's play Sunday In The Park With George... the film version of the play stars Bernadette Peters and the super awesome and amazing Mandy Patinkin. Love that man! He plays artist Georges Seurat. If you haven't seen it, um, you should. Why not?

Anyway... here's to trying something new, learning something new, and creating something new. Have a great night and a fabulous week!

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