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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another Great Day!

So it's a second awesome day in a row for me... will wonders never cease? Well, let's hope not! I like this streak. :) After dropping my son off at daycare, my daughter and I went on a wee road trip to Halifax to visit the campus I'll be attending. Stopped by the bookstore (why it was deserted I have no idea... very different from buying books at university). Spent some time finding out where the cafeteria is, the "wellness room" aka tiny gym, and the daycare is. Then, by a fluke of luck saw the daycare manager person in the hall (technical term, I know) and asked if she was who I thought she was. She was. So, we took a few moments to talk and on my drive out to meet Chris for coffee she called to say my daughter can have a space as of tomorrow! She won't actually go tomorrow as I have to drive to Bridgewater in the morning... but we've made plans for orientation on Monday. Very exciting!! I also popped into the campus library, had a nice chat with the two ladies there, and took out a book on the "excruciating history" of dentistry. Should make for some interesting, pre-term reading! I've already cracked the spine on my dental anatomy book. I know, I'm weird. :)

The rest of the day was pretty normally good... coffee date with Chris and our girl, then home for some lunch, quiet time, ran some errands, delivered a ton of kids books to my son's daycare when I went to pick him up, and then managed (with some scrambling) to make it to dance class. Had fun there, then came home (thanks for the ride Treen!) finished the dishes, had some supper and painted a canvas. Now... it's bedtime!

The canvas tonight is a 4x6 board and is called "Blue Grotto". I used a few blues and turquoises to try for a watery cave effect. I liked it the way it turned out so much I just couldn't add anything on top of it for fear of wrecking it... so I stopped. It reminded me of the Blue Grotto in Capri so that's the reason behind the title.

Not too much else is new... yet... I'm excited and a teensy bit nervous about tomorrow's trip... but on the whole, life is suddenly very very good. It was good before too, but sometimes it's hard to see all the good and focus on it. It's a skill that I think we all need to practice. :)

Anyway... like I said, it's bedtime... hope no one minds my rambling on about my day and less about the painting... but sometimes there just doesn't seem to be much to say about them. I just felt like painting with blues and turquoises and I love water... so I guess in my head that's where I was going. Hope you like them!

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