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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Black Canvasses?


When I went to Michael's today to pick up some canvasses I discovered that there are black canvasses out there. Very cool. :) I like to try new stuff so I picked up a bunch of them and used one tonight.

Tonight's painting is called "Heliophile" and is a depiction of a sunflower. It's on a 4x4 canvas... at least I'm pretty sure that's the size... and it turned out pretty well I think. I have an idea or two about some of the other canvasses coming up, so I'm pretty excited about the project. I can hardly believe we're starting week 35! Where has the time gone?

Which brings me to the thought of selling these paintings. I think I'd like to organize an end-of-summer sale, followed by renting a table at the market at least a few times this fall, then a final end-of-project sale in January. Then all the money raised will be given to Children's Wish! Also, sales online are ongoing. So, if you want a painting now, let me know and it's yours. If I don't hear from you I won't know you want a particular one and it might get sold. So... my email again:, or you can leave a comment here or contact me on facebook if you are a 'friend'. I don't know where this sale will be yet... I'm not experienced at all when it comes to this kind of thing... so any help anyone wants to offer would be greatly appreciated... but otherwise I'll muddle along and aim for early-to-mid-September. That's the plan anyway.

Ok... so I'm off... here's hoping Hurricane Irene doesn't visit us too much, and that it doesn't wallop our southern neighbours. Gotta love global warming, eh? I'm not a rabid environmentalist, but I do think that we can all do waaaay more to protect our planet. Hmm... I sense a rant coming on... so I'll pop off now. Have a lovely evening and rest of the weekend, and do something good for the Earth. Pick up some litter, don't idle your car, turn off lights if you're not using them... every little bit helps. Good night!

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