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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Amazing Stormy Sky

Tonight's weather is just incredible! The sky was yellow, the sun peeked through the rainclouds, there was a rainbow, wicked lightning bolts... oh just awesome! Nature can be pretty cool. Beats a lot of tv out there, that's for sure!

Me, I love a good thunderstorm. That's what we've been having for the past 3-4 hours. It's wonderful! Not so good if you suffer from migraines, but amazing if you can enjoy the show. I sort of miss the storms we got in Southern Ontario... there were some doozies! Since moving East I've noticed a drop in awesome thunderstorms... but I guess we get hurricanes and tropical storms to um, even things out? Hmm... Anyway, tonight's storm is holding its own and making for some very interesting visuals.

Tonight's painting is inspired by a bunch of mental snapshots from our drive home post-dance class (which was lots of fun too). The sky was sort of a creepy grey-yellow... don't know that I've ever seen it quite that colour before... and of course the rain was bucketing down. Then there was the rainbow that morphed in and out of being a double rainbow, and seeing the whole thing or just the legs... it was very cool. The bolts of lightning and the actual light from them lit the whole sky up... it looked like daylight a few times, and I imagine there will be some great video footage posted tomorrow. It's neat to scroll through a video while on pause to see the stills of the bolts. I did that the last time we had a big lightning storm. So amazing! So... anyway, back to the painting... it's a 4x6 board... with a yellow sky, grey rainclouds, and a rainbow over some water/trees. It's one that I'm proud of for sure. I like that it's created from memory and not copied off of a picture. It probably loses some accuracy... but who cares? I opted not to include a lightning bolt because it looked pretty good without... the rainbow added a nice splash of colour and focus and I thought having both that and a bolt would take away from the overall effect. After all, in life the lightning bolt is just a super quick flash. Half the time (or more) you don't even see the bolt either because it's too fast or you just couldn't turn your head or focus your eyes quick enough. Ah well... I thought the painting was kind of neat and related to my day.

Quick personal update... my son had a ball at daycare again... my daughter had her first visit to her sitter's house, the toilet isn't leaking at the moment, and dance class was pretty great. So... all in all, a good day! Hope you enjoy the rain... or whatever weather you're experiencing. Good night!

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