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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last Day of July Already?

Wow... another month just flew by! I swear, the closer I get to September the faster the days slip by. It's funny how there are things in life that seem so far away, and then all of a sudden are right on top of us. It's like when we went to Italy a few years ago. We planned and saved up for this trip and it was going to happen... but it felt so unreal until we actually arrived at the airport to go. I think it was sinking in for real on the drive out there... but still not quite fully aware until we checked in. Amazing isn't it? So here we are... the idea of having the kids in daycare and starting school was this event that was so far away as to seem unreal, and now that it's actually starting it isn't quite sinking in. Weird... I think it will be the first day that both of them are away from me for the whole day that it's going to really  honestly hit me. That, or the first day of school. So strange. Anyway... that's my babble for now....

Tonight's painting is called "Orange Haze" because Chris thought it was a play on a Jimi Hendrix song. Something about a Purple Haze. He seemed shocked that I hadn't heard of it. Maybe I would recognize the song, but I'm absolutely terrible with titles. Anyway... I went with his suggestion. It's a 4x5 stretched canvas, and is quite similar to "Savannah". I liked the way that one turned out, and after having it as a little picture at the top of the blog last week I thought I'd try to do another one kind of like it.

In other news... I'm now a yellow belt in Karate! Whee! I'm feeling just a wee bit proud of myself. :) Life is good. Taking the kids out for Natal Day tomorrow... should be a good day. Hope you enjoy your day off if you get one! Good night!

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