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Friday, July 15, 2011

Quite the Catch Up Post - PICTURE TIME!!!

Ok... so just before we left I had intended to post week 25... didn't get to it in the midst of all the insanity of packing our teeny car with all of our stuff. Then, we were away for week 26 and 27. So... this is officially week 28! There are holes in the amount of paintings because I, like the scatterbrain that I can sometimes be, left all the watercolour paintings that Katherine contributed back in Ontario (OOPS). But... the holes will be patched and all will be well in the end. :)

So... here are week 25's paintings:

June 18 - Trapped

June 19 - Tornado

June 20 - Spring Puddles

June 21 - Winter Package

June 22 - Husband & Wife

June 23 - Night Owls
June 24 - In Bloom
Week 26 & Week 27 will be filled in... but I did pre-paint three paintings for the wedding weekend, July 1-3. Here they are:

July 1 - Groom, July 2 - Bride, July 3 - Two Hearts As One

And now... to this week... week 28!

July 9 - Avery's Tree

July 10 - Lampshade

July 11 - Pumpkin Patch

July 12 - Beautiful Sunshine

July 13 - Summer Garden

July 14 - Serenity
July 15 - Royalty

My apologies for the gaps and the less than wonderful quality of this week's photos... the kids are having their quiet time and it's a relatively short window for editing! We did make some delicious Ninjabread cookies this morning though... so all in all, it has been a good day. Oh, and in case you were wondering why I'm posting hours and hours earlier than usual on a Friday? Tonight is Harry Potter Date Night!! :) Whee! Have a great night!

P.S. Because I never did explain the Husband & Wife painting... because it refers to Devin & Rachel's wedding gift that they had not yet received... there's an African Proverb that says A man without a wife is like a vase without flowers. At least, I think that's how it goes. I found it when compiling interesting facts, tidbits, quotes etc for their gift. I liked the saying and thought I'd paint something for it. No surprise I went with daisies for the flowers!

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