To all the fathers out there who have earned the title "Dad"... I wish you a very happy Father's Day. To my Dad, my Father-in-Law, and especially to my husband, Chris, you have all earned that title a million times over and I am lucky to have all of you in my life. Thank you.
Another thing that makes me super happy.... Russia is lit up on the map again! Hello Russia!! I used to know a few words in Russian thanks to a very lovely Russian lady, but I've no idea how to spell them. Maybe I can find the ones I know and cut and paste the Russian. Even though I don't know many words, I can say hello at any rate... Привет.
Tonight's painting is similar to "Raindrop" and I've continued with the nature theme in the title. I've called it "Tornado" because of the shape and the colour. Apparently the sky can turn green before a big storm. Chris suggested doing a series and I'm thinking about it. Some feedback would be great to see if people like them enough to paint more like them. So... maybe let me know?
I didn't get around to finishing up one of the paintings for while we're away... so I think I'm going to have my work cut out for me this week. We've got to do the rest of our trip preparation... mostly ready to go, but you know there are always last minute things that we forget about. Here's hoping I've got my ducks in a row! For now... off to sleep. Chris will be up bright and early for another stint on the picket line so I should turn off the light and let him sleep. Good night everyone... and one of my favourite Russian phrases, because it just sounds nice and is fun to say, До свидания!
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