Hoo boy... what a day! It started with me coming downstairs with my kids and finding my missing gnomes on my kitchen counter. Chris found them on the doorstep this morning as he was heading off to work. He brought them in and left me a note (so I wouldn't think someone had broken in). Wow! I had pretty much given up hope of having them returned... but there they were! So... I figure, boo to the stealing of them, but thanks for bringing them back! I immediately posted a big thank you sign in my living room window. I had previously put up a missing sign there, so I figured I'd post a thank you so whoever returned them can see how grateful I am. So, from there we had a good but quick breakfast and headed out to preschool. Dropped my son off, and us girls headed out to do some fun errands. I bought my daughter a couple of birthday presents (inexpensive ones mind you) and then we all went to meet Chris for lunch. He was finished his work for the day (yay early day!) so we all got to go home. My daughter had an excellent nap, my son was at least cheerful even though he was tired but didn't sleep, and then we headed back out to hunt for a car seat. Sadly we had terrible service at Sears and did not find a car seat, but we had a good time together anyway. Home to play outside a bit, chat with some neighbours, and then inside for supper. My son even ate it all! Popped the kids in bed and I went off for a walk with my friend and neighbour. Then of course, more painting!
Which brings us to the painting for tonight... sorry for the long ramble, but it was a good day and I figured I'd document it so the next time I have a less than perfect day I can read about this one and have good memories. :) Tonight's painting is another goblin. It's on a 5x7 stretched canvas and has a full-body pose. I called it "Plotting" because he kind of looks like he's up to no good (probably) and/or celebrating (anticipation?). I'm pleased with it. Hope you guys will enjoy it too. Lots of bright colours too.
Oh, and the blog views are up to 3291 so I'm hopeful that we'll hit 3300 by tomorrow. :) Very exciting to see where everyone is reading. Thanks to everyone for their continued support in this project. It is so wonderful to see that this blog is being read. Makes me happy!
That's probably enough out of me for tonight... really must get to bed before eleven at least once in awhile! Good night everyone!
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