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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hello Latvia!

Wow... I haven't looked too hard at my records or anything... but I think we're up to 25 countries now... hello to whoever is out there in Latvia looking at this blog! Always great to see. :)

I sold a painting today... "Tabatha" the mermaid from January. Anne, at Tabatha's Treasures scrapbooking shop (which is now closed due to relocation) bought it for her daughter. She's the lovely lady who donated a bunch of paint and some other supplies right at the start of the project. It was such a nice show of support and I was very grateful for it. The continued support along the way from people has been wonderful, and I appreciated her purchase of the painting today. So... thanks Anne... I hope your move goes well and your daughter likes the painting!

If you would like to buy a painting for yourself or someone special, or you'd like to request a painting (I'll do my best) please let me know by leaving a comment here, or emailing me at All proceeds are going to the Children's Wish Foundation... so let's get together and help grant some wishes for some deserving kids!

Our family had a pretty good day today... started with a playdate in the morning, Chris got home early for the first time in a long time (yay!) and he took our son swimming while our daughter napped. I should have used that time to be productive, but instead sank into a grateful book-reading stupor on the couch for awhile. I do so love my quiet time! Then we all went to the ice cream hut by our house and shared some ice cream cones. My son chose chocolate, Chris had mint chocolate chip, and I went with chocolate chip cookie dough. My wee girlie got to have samples from all of  us and I was very impressed with my son's willingness to share. They were SO cute!! Anyway... that outing inspired tonight's painting... so I did an ice cream cone with those three flavours in a waffle cone (my preference). I even had it slightly melty looking since it's summer and therefore hot. I thought it'd be a fun painting for a kitchen or a kid's bedroom... or for an ice-cream-aholic like me! After the ice cream I figured I'd better hit the gym... so I went for what I thought would be a nice, fun, Zumba class... and found out the schedule had changed and Body Pump was the class on offer. I've done it once before and wowie do you ever get a workout... so I thought, what the heck? I'll give'er a go. I'm now lurching around and the stairs are my nemesis! But... I'm going to try going every Wednesday and see if I can't improve. Body Combat is out now that I'm back at dance class (YAY Dance Class!!) so I figure I need another booty-kicking class to try to get me in some semblance of shape. If I have to answer one more person asking if I'm pregnant I'm going to scream... seriously! Plus, it's fun. :)

Ah, the window into my life... so unrelated to painting, but at least it should make for bizarre and semi-interesting reading. :) I am very lucky to have all that I have in life and I'm grateful to the wonderful people I count as friends and also to my beloved family. *Hugs* to my in-laws who have sadly lost their cat, and happy thoughts to my Mom who is a tough cookie. Congrats to my sister who just bought a house, and hello to my brother who I hardly ever see, talk to very little, but always want to. A wave and a happy hello to Chris' brothers and their wives as well. See? Lucky.

Have a wonderful night everyone... we're at 3996 views as of the start of my typing this evening... here's hoping we hit 4000 overnight! :) What an adventure...

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