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Friday, July 22, 2011

29 Weeks - Pictures Galore!

Hello all... today is Friday (yay) and so it is Picture Day! Today I have an extra treat... I've got pictures of the nine watercolour paintings that my mother-in-law Katherine has kindly donated to help me cover our absence during our big road trip. Plus, I have another painting (I did two tonight) that will also work to cover the time away. So now... I'm only one painting short and then I'm all caught up! Officially tonight should make 203 paintings... but I guess I've personally done 193. Not too bad... I'd like to have 365 of my own for the end of the year, just to say I did do all of them... so maybe if I get some extra energy here and there I'll slowly make it up. :) Who knows... and even if I don't, there will be at least 365 paintings to be sold for the Children's Wish Foundation no matter what. :)

Tonight's two paintings are inspired by jewelry designs that I've seen. The official one for tonight is called "Luxury" and is mainly purple. Chris says I must be on a purple kick... which is a bit odd since it's not even one of my favourite colours... but hey... what can you do? The other one, which I've dated July 5th is called "Puttin' On the Ritz" because it makes me think of sparkly jewelry and getting all decked out in the shiny stuff.

I had a lovely day today visiting a friend and her beautiful baby... then went to a surprise bridal shower/going away party and dropped off some fudge for my friends at Wizard Optical. Just because. :) Who wouldn't like Friday Fudge? Especially for no particular reason. :)

Happy it's the weekend? I am! Don't know quite what the whole weekend has in store yet... hopefully by this time tomorrow I'll be a yellow belt, we'll have done something fun as a family, and with a lot of luck my legs will stop hurting. Yup, that class at the gym is still doing me in. But... silver lining... I have legs that work just fine and the muscle soreness is better than no feeling at all. So yeah... no matter how bad I momentarily think I have it... it's always worse for someone else and they probably have a better attitude than I did at that moment. Life is just full of little suck-it-up moments isn't it? Some people would say 'count your blessings'... I don't know... maybe just altering your perspective or looking for three good things a day will do. Every night I think of at least three good things about my day and post it onto my facebook page. I think it helps me stay positive no matter what is going on in my life, and I also think it just might help someone else who is having a bad day to think about three good things that they have had. End each day on as much of an up note as you can. :) We are the ones who can make ourselves happy. Anyway... enjoy the pictures and feel free to bounce around the site checking out all the updates. :) Good night all!

July 16 - Midnight Meow

July 17 - Contemplation

July 18 - Goodnight Moon

July 19 - Skyscrapers @ Sunset

July 20 - Sweets of Summer

July 21 - Violets
July 22 - Luxury

And now to the watercolours and tonight's extra painting... I don't have titles for the watercolours so I've just arbitrarily dated them for identification purposes. Katherine, if you'd like to suggest titles please feel free... it is your work after all. :)

June 25

June 26

June 27

June 28

June 29
June 30

July 5

July 6

July 7
July 4 - Puttin' On the Ritz

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