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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Must Be A Masochist!

That's the only possible explanation for putting myself through another BodyPump class this week! After last week and not walking for three days, you'd think I'd learned my lesson! Not so. I figure, at least I know it was a good workout, and if I keep doing it I ought to improve. Right? Well, tonight I'm definitely sore, but not as bad as last week (I hope). So... hopefully the self-torture is going to do something positive!

One might also list my extensive list of self-imposed extra-curriculars as masochistic, but I think I thrive under a certain amount of pressure! Karate got rained out today, so still no yellow belt grading for me... so I went to the gym instead. Then got home and started painting. Chris mentioned using cd art as inspiration for paintings... so I must admit I kind of copied one for tonight. It's not an exact replica, but it is pretty obvious... so hopefully no one knocks down my door for copyright infringement. I hope they merely take it as a compliment! I called it "Beautiful Barracudas" and come Friday you'll get to see it and (hopefully) figure out which movie it is from. :)

This week seems to be flying by so far... and I think it's due to the daycare thing. I've been getting up earlier than usual (ick!) and then sort of finding myself a bit adrift. It's been so long since it was just me and a baby... I don't quite know what to do! Tomorrow we've got the whole day as just us girls. Maybe I'll do the cliched thing and hit the mall. Must not take my wallet though!! Good news... seems I'm going to get some student loan for school... and possibly some grant money. Here's hoping! To be completely honest I'm really hoping to win a scholarship... but we can't even apply for those until a bit later on. I'll do my best though. :)

I hope everyone enjoyed the overcast day... personally I liked it a lot. Good temperature to take a walk, not actually raining, and no worries about getting a sunburn. Yay! It's all about looking on the bright side. :) Have a lovely evening and see you all tomorrow!

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