Tonight's turntable painting is called Newspaper because it made me think of that joke. I like the colour combination of red white and black and I had an idea in my head of something to try with the turntable. It didn't quite turn out the way I thought it would, but I think it's appealing nonetheless. I also experimented with a larger canvas, so I probably won't include it... unless there's a day where I get desperate and have no time to paint... It's called Chocolate and is all varying shades of brown. Mmm chocolate... so addicted!
Anyway, I've decided to do a turntable painting every day this week since the canvasses I got are all matching. That way I get to really poke at it and see if I can get different looks and feelings from them. We'll see... I think it'll be interesting.
I was toying with the idea of scanning the paintings to make prints or maybe a calendar or two. I figure it almost seems a shame to have all this art and only have it go once. Especially since people are already asking if I can save paintings for them. :) Any thoughts? Would anybody be interested in that kind of thing? I think I'd like a nice copy of everything just for myself to make a record of the project... heaven knows my pictures aren't that great. I learned last night that I should be taking them with lights at a 45 degree angle while they're hanging on the wall. Hmm... guess that explains a bit about the glare from the flash. :) Here's hoping the pictures improve this week! I am so lucky to have very talented and knowledgeable friends (thanks Miya).
A general note... I'd love love love some more comments/feedback if anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, whatever. I know I find this project interesting... hope some of you do too. Conversation is a good thing. :)
Ok, so enough out of me for tonight... will be back again tomorrow of course. :) Happy thoughts!
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