Had a good day yesterday, with the exception of not being able to post this last night.
Made a trip to DeSerres art store over on Barrington St. Picked up some canvasses which were donated to the project by Miya Turnbull, a fabulous local artist. Thanks for your support Miya!!
Talked briefly with the manager of the store about possible sponsorship of the project, and while it doesn't look too promising (they have many requests and not a huge budget, completely understandable and it didn't hurt to ask) I will still write out a proper letter just in case.
Regardless of how that turns out I've found all the staff there very friendly and helpful and will likely continue to purchase some canvasses from there for this project. :) So, thanks guys!
Last night I started a painting that I wanted to aim at kids. It's going to be a magic square but with insects. Unfortunately it was taking way too long (this is post-gym trip) and I was getting tired. So, I switched it up and did another painting which I've called "Heat". I think it turned out rather nicely and much better than the other one would have if I'd slogged away at it when not in the mood. So... I'll probably finish that one up tonight instead.
I can't believe how close we're getting to the first week mark. I'll post photos of all seven paintings and you can all see what I've been up to so far.
If there is another local artist, or friend who finds it all inspiring and wants to do a painting (or two...) for the project that would be great. The more the merrier!
Another post later today...
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