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Monday, January 3, 2011

For my mom... a horse of course.

This evening, while picking a canvas out of my painting box, I found one that already had a quick sketch of a horse on it. Now, please let it be noted that I am not so good at drawing animals... especially horses! But I must have tried at some point. So... why not? I painted it.

I think I must be in a bit of a phase with texture experimentation. I know I should probably try oils again, but honestly they take forever to dry. Really. For EVER. So, maybe I'll just stick with acrylics for now. This painting, which in a bout of complete unoriginality I've named "Horse" is pretty much a lone horse in a field looking out. As much as it will pain my mother and all horse enthusiasts for me to say this, the horse is brown.

Future canvasses will hopefully have more original and witty titles, but I think I must be tired today, for nothing amazing sprang to mind. I think it was originally supposed to be Jazz, one of my mom's horses, but I didn't notice that note on the back until I'd finished painting the horse brown. Jazz is more yellow. Roan? I don't know... I should really ask. Maybe the next horse I paint will look more like Jazz. Or maybe it will be green and purple and blue. I don't really know yet. I'm enjoying the paint in the moment thing.

I decided to ask people on Facebook about suggestions for subject matter and I got quite a few. I also received an excellent suggestion for a charity. Craig's Cause. So... I'll add that to the eventual poll and do a little research. I have a friend who is very involved with that charity as it is near and dear to her heart. I think, at her request, there will be a canvas with a purple ribbon in the near future as well. If anyone else has requests, specific or general, please make them. After all, I have 362 canvasses to go!

Tomorrow I will start approaching art supply stores to see if any of them would be interested in getting involved with the project. I'm hoping that they will. Also, if anyone has any good storage suggestions I'd like to hear those too. It occurred to me, around two am, that I'm going to need somewhere to put all of these paintings! My basement is now a playroom, den, art studio, and storage room. Oy!

Well, good night and happy thoughts!


  1. Suggestion for painting: Butterflies. (Are you surprised?)

  2. Tulips is one of my favorite subject matters and I've taken photos of them. If you like, I can send some to you!


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