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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last Day of November

Already?? Oh my... where does the time go? And wow! 72 page views in the past 24 hours!! This is so amazing and incredible and I am SO excited! Picture me, pretty tired, bouncing in my seat all the same. :) You guys are so great... the support and interest is wonderful. I hope this is inspiring people out there to do something for a group or community or even just a single person. If we all do something it adds up SO much!!

Tonight I finished up my collage type painting. Over the past few months I've cut eyes out of magazines and saved them. I had a plan, sort of. So, last night I started laying down a layer of paint (greens mostly) and then spreading out the eyes on the paint and trying to smooth out the edges. Then, tonight, when the green was dry, I added words like dream, love, vision, hope etc. I think of eyes as the window to our soul. If you wear your heart on your sleeve like I do, then you can see so much in your eyes. Obviously, magazines aren't quite perfect, but I didn't have enough pictures to do "regular" people. Although, now that I think of it, maybe it's something to think about in the future. I love eyes. They are so interesting to really look at. All of the colour variation, the shape, so much detail... it's amazing. Anyway, I called the painting, which is an 8x10, "Windows". I'm thinking about doing a smaller version with more colour as I have a few ideas and many pairs of eyes left. We'll see!

For now, I'm going to tuck myself into bed. It's my turn to be "team lead" tomorrow so I have to be up and at 'em nice and early. Not really a problem in this house, but I want to be well rested all the same. So, good night to everyone around the world! Thanks for visiting and putting a gigantic smile on my face!!

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