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Thursday, November 24, 2011

TV Time

Tonight was the airing of the interview that Coralie McLean did for Eastlink TV's "The 'Fax". I thought it turned out really well. The only thing I wish it had that it didn't, was the blog address posted. Oh well... can't have everything it seems. ;)

I doubt it's on youtube quite yet, but when it is... I'll post a link!

I did not paint tonight... I was planning on it if I got enough studying done... but then I fell asleep on my books. Yup. Literally. I put my head down for "a second" and even though I knew it was probably a bad idea, I couldn't help it. You know that horrible feeling when your eyes just close on their own and you're hanging onto wakefulness by a very thin thread? Yeah... story of my life these days. It's no good. :( So, Chris gave me a little pep talk when he got home from tutoring. He even reviewed some of my notes with me (what a guy!) and made me feel like I know more than I thought I did. So, a bit of pep back in my step. However, it's quarter to eleven and I'm not crazy enough to try to start painting now. I have one half done from last night, so I'll just have to fully catch up tomorrow.

We wrote one test today... I think I did well on it... and the one tomorrow is looking to be maybe ok too. I just have to relax and know that the information is in my brain. Somewhere! Good times. :)

As for painting and this project, I'm hoping to get some time this weekend to explore some more selling opportunities. It's hard to have the time to do that during the week. Can't really call places during the day because I'm in class... and then by the time I get home and the kids to bed (even if I ignored my schoolwork, which I can't do) most people are unavailable. Blerg. This part of the project is so frustrating for me. However, if one meets a challenge head on and with a good attitude, then it's a beatable challenge. I will figure it out! Bring it on. :)

Ok, so now to bed... I promised my honey that I wouldn't take too long on here tonight. Must. Sleep. Now. So, goodnight all, wish me luck on my test tomorrow!! It's going to be Friday!! :)

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