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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Good Grief!

I fell asleep studying. Again. What is wrong with me?? I swear I put my head down for a second just to take a moment... and looked up twenty minutes later. Ugh. I don't know what else I can possibly do!

Oh... yeah, test tomorrow... so the added bonus to falling asleep is that I ran out of time to paint. :( No good. There is an upside to Friday being a day of remembrance (and therefore no work/school) is that along with honouring the veterans I will have some extra time to catch up if I haven't already done so. Perhaps I'll do a poppy painting that day.

I have had the weirdest day... I was all set to study and do homework all day and a gigantic wrench got tossed into my plans. My sweet little girl threw up at daycare at 9am. She hardly ever does that! She's not sick... at least not as far as I can tell... the only thing I can think of is she didn't chew her breakfast well enough and had an overload of yogurt (some at home, some at morning snack). Anyway... had to quickly pack everything up, save my paper and email it to myself at home (can't open it unfortunately) and then zip downstairs to pick her up. She, of course, was happily playing as though nothing was wrong. Still... policy is policy and away we went. Imagine me wrapped up in a strange little bundle of concern, relief, frustration, and annoyance. It was a very weird mix! We ended up going to do a little Christmas shopping (unsuccessful) and then to a park to have a swing and play with the stones (and NOT eat them!) and then off to the post office to pick Chris up as he was (very luckily) done early. She fell asleep within a block or two from the house and stayed asleep through getting out of the car, coat & boots off, and laying down in the crib. Amazing. My son never did that! She slept for awhile, I got some work done, and then when she got up she polished off quite a substantial lunch. She's been vomit free so I think we're good to go for tomorrow... which is good because I have that test!

Anyway... that was my up and down and all over the place day. I didn't get as much as I'd have liked to get done... but my little girl is ok and that's the main thing!

And now... bed. Here's hoping some of what I've reviewed sticks in my brain for tomorrow...because honestly, I can't remember what any of those vitamins and minerals do... The next five and a half weeks are going to be even crazier than the first five weeks I think. Oh my! Wish me luck!! Good night!

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