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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another Country On The Map!!

Hello Azerbaijan... which looks like it's somewhere near India (hello to you too!). It's so exciting to see new readers popping up on the map! It also prompts me to do a little self-directed geography lesson... I love to find out about different places in the world and this gets me to learn new things. So, thanks for coming and seeing the blog!

I had a productive painting day today... finished one, a 5x7 board called "Online Dating" and started another one I'm calling "Love Birds". I haven't gotten very far with that one, but I wanted to use up some of the leftover paint from tonight! Then it started to get late and I figured I'd better get to bed. You know, sleep is sort of useful.

Is anyone else moderately disturbed by all of the Christmas stuff in the shops and on people's houses and lawns? Already?? We went for a little family walk this morning and one of our neighbours has Christmas decorations up. His neighbour still has pumpkins on his porch. Very weird. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. It's one of my favourite times of the year. I even like Christmas shopping... to a certain extent. I do NOT like the overcommercialization of it though. Having Christmas stuff out in stores before Hallowe'en is even over seems a bit too much like rushing life. Slooooow down people! December 1st is a perfectly acceptable time to put out the Christmas kitsch. Any earlier and people get sick of all the holiday trimmings a few weeks before the 24th! Anyway... that's my little rant... I think we should stop rushing through holidays and retail opportunities and get back to what it should be about... and in a more relaxing timeline. I'm hoping to make presents for most people this year... though if I don't sell many paintings guess what you'll all be getting! (No, I'm not at all freaking out about that... ha ha... nope, not me... uh-uh)

On that note, I'm going to re-inject the happy by saying that I'm very pleased with the painting I did tonight, the one I'll have for tomorrow, and the other idea that I'm going to use later this week. So... all in all, it'll be a good painting week I think! Good night... and Happy Monday (in half an hour)!


  1. Whoops... not near India... near the Caspian Sea. Wonder which country I was looking at! Apologies... guess I need to study the map a bit more often. Hello all the same!

  2. Hello JA: I came to visit your blog after hearing your interview on CBC this morning. What an ambitious project but one with meaning to me since you are donating funds to Children's Wish. Really like all your paintings!

    My thirteen year old nephew passed away two years after having had cancer five times in his short life. He was the recipient of two trips from Children's Wish - one to DisneyWorld, and one to see a hockey game in Montreal with his favourite team, the Montreal Canadiens. They even presented him with a signed jersey at half-time from his favourite player! He was so happy.
    These trips made such a different in his outlook in fighting this awful disease.

    I commend your efforts and your enthusiasm. I make handmade cards and know that sometimes my "muse has taken a vacation" (wink) and it's hard to sit at my craft space without inspiration.

    Keep up the great work, and I enjoyed reading your blog!
    Crafting Hugs,

  3. Sharon... thank you so much for coming by and posting!! I'm sorry to hear about your nephew's passing and what must have been a difficult time for him and your family, but I am glad that he got to have two wishes fulfilled. It's wonderful to hear your story and be reminded that this project will actually help Children's Wish to help kids. Thank you for sharing it with me, and all of the people reading. I'm very touched that you took the time to find the blog and share your story. Hugs for you too!!


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