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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Really Liking This Week

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the four paintings from this week so far. They're still on my phone of course, because I'm a wee bit technologically challenged. Or maybe it's more that I'm time challenged and it's too much effort to try to figure it out at 11:20pm! Either way... I'll get the pics off my phone eventually! So far I have two owl paintings, some ladybugs, and a pair of "Twisty Trees". I may be a tad biased... but I really like these!! This could be a time where it's a bit hard to part with paintings. Must do it though... I don't need 300 paintings gathering dust in my basement. Can't really hang them all either... not enough wall space!

Anyway... today was an up and down day... it started sort of poorly with my daughter & I having a less than ideal parting at daycare. Yup, tears were involved for both of us. The last week and a half or so has been getting harder and it's taking a bit of a toll. I'm grateful to the daycare worker (whose name I've forgotten, sorry) who came out and chatted with me for a minute. She really made me feel better about the likelihood that my girl is getting to the age where she wants to say goodbye/see you later, but doesn't have the words and so is left with the emotion and being frustrated at the inability to communicate. I sure hope that's what it is! Anyway... she made me feel better and sure enough my little girl had already stopped crying by then! Off I went to class where I was unsuccessful (I detest the word "failed") at my trimming, so I immersed myself (not literally this time) in cleaning out impression trays. I think the worst part was knowing I had likely 'failed' and having to wait thirty five minutes to hear it. Ugh. So, I had myself all worked up and felt pretty bad about it. Then embarrassed for feeling so bad about it. Double ugh. A quick trip outside for a planned fire drill (good times) and back we went for some more fun. Then... the extra joy, another class has a project they're fundraising for at school. Hmm... going to have to follow up on that some more. Not quite sure where the line in the sand is drawn, but I hope to find out. It's not crucial to be able to try to sell some paintings at school, but I sure would like to, and I think it might be great for everyone. My opinion of course. :)

The afternoon was better... had a fun lunch with the dental girls... passed my impressions... and was a patient... did some cleaning... and then came home to study, paint, and make my little guy his favourite supper: hamburgers. Oh he was SO cute! I was looking in the freezer wondering out loud what to make and he pipes up, all innocent and sweet "I think it starts with an H." Flashes me an impish little smile full of hope and three-year-old radiance. After bursting out laughing, sweeping him up for a big hug and a kiss, I made hamburgers! Does he have me wrapped around his little finger or what? Sigh... Bath night followed, a blind apple taste test after that, and it was bedtime. Back to the books for me. :)

And now... after another long (but good) day... it's time for some sleep. I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow and that we don't get as much snow as they're calling for! We don't have our winter tires on yet! Eep! Good night all!

Oh! One last thing... I made a facebook page and a kijiji ad... in case anyone wants to search, share, etc. Ok... now, good night! :)

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