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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Post 300!

You may be wondering how it is only the 300th post when it is day 309... well, we were away for two weeks in the summer so I guess between that and the occasional update post, there you have it. :)

At any rate... it's the 300th time I have sat at my computer and written to anyone out there who pops by to see what's going on. To you all, those who have peeked, wondered, helped, and supported... thank you.

Tonight I started a rather ambitious painting... I did not finish. Partly because it's full of detail, and partly because I fell asleep. At 9:15pm. Sigh. I also fell asleep on the car ride home from visiting my parents. I'm pretty sure this isn't a good sign! I fall asleep all the time now. It's getting a little embarrassing! Half the time I'm only half-asleep... my eyes close without my permission and I can still listen to what's going on... but it's not the same. It's driving me nuts! I don't drink coffee... but I've been relying more and more on caffeine to try to perk me up during the day. That can't be good either. I even tried my first Red Bull... couldn't muscle my way through it all... it tastes... well, not my preference anyway. I guess it's good that the clocks go back an hour tonight... here's hoping for an extra hour of sleep!

Ok... that's enough whining... sorry...

As for the painting for tonight, I did do an extra one this past week. I was hoping to keep it for a night this week where I'd likely be up late studying... but I'll have to sub it in for tonight. It's called "Critters" and it's a mixed media painting. Think cute little critters with big googly eyes. I like it. :) It's on a 5x7 board.

So... help me out here... I'm going to be at some craft shows this month and I'm trying to figure out a sticker price for these paintings. I absolutely hate putting a price tag on my own work. I either feel I'm trying to charge more than my attempts are worth, or I'm charging too little and not achieving my fundraising goals. I have canvas boards that vary in size from 3x5 to 8x10 with most being either 4x6 or 5x7. I have stretched canvasses from 3x5 to 12x12. Again, most of them are around the 5x7 marker. You can see the pictures here... what would you want to pay? Please keep in mind it's for charity and that art supplies don't come cheap. I'm not so concerned about my time... the money isn't for me after all. I just want to raise the most I can and have everyone happy with what they buy and know that they've helped to support the Children's Wish Foundation. Please, if you have any suggestions I'm open to them. Leave a comment here or email me at

Thanks... and now I really must close my eyes. I had a good day, but now I'm exhausted. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not good with pricing, but Jo, remember, you'll be at a craft show, so people won't have hundreds in their wallets. They may not want to part with 40$ if they only have 20$ to spend. Just a thought.


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