Ok... now I know, cosmically I have it really great. On the whole we're all healthy, have a roof over our heads, live in a country that I'm proud of (most of the time) and in general we're very happy. I also have this project which makes me happy and feel good. However.... This morning started with a freak out from my son (Chris didn't even say a word and he just started into a temper tantrum/meltdown). Then I discovered my four garden gnomes had been stolen. They were in the front garden and someone or some people walked right up to my house and took them. Who does that?? I still feel terrible about it. I posted some signs asking for them to be returned but I'm not holding my breath. Then, I whack my head against the roof rack on our car... still not used to it... and you know, a few more freak outs from my son later it's bedtime. I do not know what's gotten into him! He has an ear infection but wow the difference in his temperament is night and day. I just don't know what to do anymore.
Complaint over... good thing: my little girl (who has switched from grumpy to full-on adorable and sweet) climbed up our stairs all by herself for the very first time. Twice. We were right behind her of course... but she did it! Now we really have to be vigilant about closing the gate. :)
Tonight's painting is called "Floating Away" and is an 8x10 canvas. It's those fun leaves again... but the background is blue and I was thinking of water when I did the texturing. So... Chris said given the water idea it looked like the leaves were floating on the surface. I think it's neat. I like doing this kind of painting (obviously) and I think people like the way it turns out too. Hope so. :)
Final funny moment of the day... Chris came downstairs to see me and noticed I had a streak of paint on my nose. He thought I knew it was there. I didn't. I am not sure how it ended up there... it looks like I took a small brush and painted a line on my nose. Very strange.
Here's hoping that Karma is in effect and the people who nicked my gnomes get their comeuppance. And hopefully I'll start to see some good stuff come my way. I'm hoping for my daughter's teeth to finally come through (poor teething baby) and my son to feel better and be happier. As for me... I'd love it if my gnomes mysteriously came home in the night. Time will tell. :)
Good night everyone!
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