I am constantly amazed at the speed of time. It seems that if one takes on a daily project, life just accelerates more and more with each passing day. I seriously could not believe that today was the 27th of May. Already?! Oh my... of course, then I foolishly stop to think about the implications of that realization. My kids will be starting daycare in August... if it's the end of May, then they'll only be home with me full time for another two months (and a bit). Well, didn't I just start to sob. Luckily my husband, Chris, is very good at dealing with me when I suddenly burst into tears when I was just happy and joking a moment earlier. No, I'm not nuts... and it's not a daily occurrence... but at least he knows the best thing to do is just give me a hug and calm me down again. I have some lingering guilt about putting my daughter in daycare at a younger age than my son... seems like I'm ripping her off somehow. Now, I was in daycare at a very early age because my Mom was a single parent and had to go to work. Plus, we have waaaay better maternity leave now than thirty years ago. I figure, I turned out relatively ok (hehe) so my kids will be just fine. :) I'll probably be the bigger crybaby when daycare starts... my son is doing a once a week for two hours preschool thing now and he is very cool about it. No problem at all... so I know he'll be fine. My little girl... well, let's just say things are great in her world if I'm at her beck and call. I went to the college today for an info session and my wonderful neighbour babysat. When I got back she crawled right on over (at turbo speed) and clung to me like a cute little limpet. My son, who has been tantrum/raging lately was all smiles at first... big hugs and happy face. Then he got mad. I think he was mad at me for leaving but couldn't quite figure out what was happening. It improved quickly though. :)
Wow... ok, so most of you will probably just skip over all that babbling about my life... hehehe. Sorry, but once I get typing... anyone who has had to listen to one of my rambling answering machine messages will totally understand the beginning of this post!
Tonight's painting is a 5x7 stretched canvas piece called "Bond Fire". Chris suggested the name as a play on bonfire. My sister-in-law Alexis said she likes my figures... and I realized it's been awhile since I've done any... so I made these little fire creatures and had them dancing around a little bonfire. They're all holding "hands" so that's probably why Chris said "bond". Anyway... it's down below and I hope you like it.
Here are the seven paintings from this week... click on the titles to go to the day's posting if you want to read more of my life story and so on. Enjoy!
May 27 - Bond Fire |
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