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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I had a nice long chat with my friend Shannon this evening while painting. She suggested I paint some dandelions when they're all white seed thingies. So, I gave it a shot. I usually call Shannon "Shan" and I was tempted to call the painting Shandelions, but Chris and I figured no one else would understand, so I went with the conventional and unoriginal "Dandelions". It's a 4x6 board and has five white dandelions on it. I can't say I did too well with the leaves though. Meh, can't win 'em all.

Today was another trying day with my son... a two and a half hour tantrum this morning... are we sure duct tape is a bad idea? Yes... definitely a bad idea though certainly tempting at especially trying moments.

I also squeezed in a trip to the gym tonight and am feeling pretty good now... a little sore, but sitting down and painting is a calming way to end my day. Sitting on the heated massage chair mat thing my brother gave us last Christmas doesn't hurt either! I often just turn on the heat because it's chilly in the basement, but every now and then when I'm all done painting the lumbar massage gets switched on too. Feels good. :)

So, all in all a very busy day. Now I'm off to bed. But, before I go, if anyone has any painting ideas please send them my way... I'm spending more time staring at blank white canvas than before. I worry my paintings are getting repetitive and boring. So, please help me spice them up again! :)

Good night!


  1. How about dandelions when they are in that beautiful yellow phase? To complete the set?

  2. HOw about a bunny eating the dandelion leaves? I have one in my back yard from time to time. Every time I see him I say, "Eat 'em up, Stewie!Chow down!"


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