What can I say that I haven't already said? There's probably something... but I'm not sure what it is. It's hard to be eloquent when all day my eyelids have been drooping. That wall of exhaustion was staring me in the face and every now and then my eyes would drift shut only to be jerked open for fear of falling asleep in class. Way back when I went to university I could swear I had a sleepy time of the day. Right after lunch, between 1:30 and 3:30 and occasionally first thing in the morning, around about 9:30 or so... it would be all I could do not to drift off. I wonder if we just have slump times and if so, what can we do to perk ourselves up that doesn't involve bottled or mugged caffeine? Whatever it is, I could have used some today! I did stay awake... but just. After school I stayed to do some test prep and even then, in that quiet room, my eyes were closing. I think people who walked by must have thought I was nuts... oh well. I'll get some good sleep this weekend and start up fresh again.
Oh, I do want to say a quick thank you to Tina for designing a very cool poster in preparation for the upcoming craft shows. She is a really wonderful person and a great friend. Plus, she's an amazing artist. So... thank you Tina... I totally owe you one! If anyone local wants to post some posters for me I'd really appreciate it. Just let me know! :)
Tonight's painting is called "Wings of Courage" and it's another oil pastel/acrylic painting. I did the background in reds to purples, and the single butterfly is in deep purple. I wanted to do something that would be intertwined and that might be pretty and thoughtful at the same time. It's a 5x7 board as well.
So... to the pictures! I will try to put up the galleries for September and October this weekend... and update the catalogue. After all, I did sell a painting today! Yay! Enjoy the pictures!
October 28 - Wings of Courage |
The animal paintings are adorable!