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Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Little Inspiration

I took my son to see the Lion King today... it was his first trip to the movies. Chris came up with the idea after seeing that it was playing again. So... we prepped him a little for the plot points, showed him a video clip of one of the songs and away we went. I think he really enjoyed it. He snuggled up in my lap and munched on his contraband raisins (shh, don't tell the theatre!) and we watched it together. Love love love!!

So... since that was the movie we went to see, I tried to use it as inspiration for tonight's painting. Admittedly, I did not finish it. Chris and I were set for a date night tonight and because I was out most of the day with my little fella, I didn't have a lot of time to paint. I tried... believe me, I tried. Got about halfway through when it started going wrong. What was in my head was most definitely not what was on the canvas. So... I decided to not push it and we went on our date. Well, it's ten after one in the morning right now... he's driving our babysitter (who is awesome) home... and I'm going to do a little bookkeeping and head to bed. I'll finish the painting up tomorrow and all will be well. At least I've got a good start and it's not from scratch! This past week was nuts... I felt so bad not getting much painting done during the week... but school has to be my priority. After all... I'm kinda paying for it, and it's what I want to do with my work life. So... yeah. Luckily the intense first five weeks are now done and I'm hoping that might mean some more time to paint. Hoping anyway... we shall see!

Stay tuned here for some farmer's market details or wherever else I can go to sell these paintings. Another aspect I've sort of paused until the five week mark. Here's hoping I can iron out some details soon!

Ok... that's enough out of me... any more and I'll start mindlessly babbling again. Have a great night!

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