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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Good Karma

I wouldn't say I'm an overly spiritual person. But... I do like the idea of karma. Something about cosmic retribution seems like a good thing. I bumped into a nice young man at a particular clothing store this evening. I went in to buy a pair of scrubs that will fit better... and we got to chatting about karma and putting out some positive energy. I hope the rest of his evening went very well, and I thank him for the chat and the stickers. I passed along this website for him to check out and I hope he does. :)

You know, the thing about karma and our society is the somewhat misguided idea that if we put out good vibes and do nice things for others that we might then be owed something in return. I think we really need to move away from that idea. It's not really quid pro quo. It's more like pay it forward. I think I remember reading something about moods being contagious. If you smile at someone they are more likely to then smile at another person and so on, and yet if you frown or are grouchy that mood will be passed instead. But... do we smile at someone for the sheer sake of getting a smile in return? I'd like to think that we smile because it's just nice to do it. I try to say hello or good morning to people when I walk past. I think it's polite. It always drives me nuts when someone averts their eyes and pretends I'm not even there. I'm not going to drag a complete stranger into a twenty minute conversation... it's a quick hello, and acknowledgement of another's presence. Hmm... I'm getting off on a tangent again... the point is more that even if the happy stuff doesn't come back to you right away, the point is more that you have contributed to the betterment of society by putting some happy out there. That, in itself, is a reward. Karma doesn't work on a deadline!

Anyway... back to the reason for being here... as you may remember from last night, I got a little behind. I'm almost caught up now. I'll chalk up the reason for not being fully caught up to paint dry time. Ugh. I did a little rhino for last night... "Happy Fellah" is the name. For tonight I started "Siblings" which is a pair of giraffes. Watching my kids tonight made me think of it. My son is the older brother, taller, stronger, more verbal, and such a little sweetheart to his little sister. So, the giraffes are there, and one is taller, standing behind sort of watching over the littler one. It made me think of my kids and so it made me happy. They are both 4x4 canvasses and I think they'd make for some fun kids room decor.

Sheesh... look at the time! It's already 11:30! Guess I'd better pop myself into bed and attempt sleep. My poor husband (who wrote me the most wonderful poem in a card today) had a fever of 102 and is not in the best shape. Ugh. Any tips? He's trying tylenol and drinking lots of liquids... but the guilt of being off work is getting to him. Oh my mind is all over the place... bedtime made me think of Chris because he's trying to sleep through my typing... so to help him out I'm going to stop now. Right now. Good night!!!

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