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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Ninth Month Begins!

So I know I've been tracking my progress by week so far, but it has occurred to me quite suddenly that this is the beginning of the ninth month! If this project were a baby we'd be nearing the due date! That's just crazy! Eight whole months of daily paintings... I'm telling you... January is going to seem so strange.

Tonight was a full evening... I decided to bake some cookies, partly for Chris, partly for my neighbours, and partly to welcome our newest neighbours to the street. They were moving in today... fast turnaround considering our friends just left yesterday morning! I didn't actually meet them though.. so I left the tub of cookies on the porch. Just because. I think it's nice to have something to munch while moving and unpacking. :) So... the house smells of cookies, and I didn't start my painting until 9:30! It's after 11 and I'm not quite done yet... so I will have to finish it up tomorrow. I'm calling it "Riot" because it's a swirling, spiraling riot of colours. It's on a 5x7 canvas and I kept the swirling up on the sides so I think it is turning out well... visually appealing to me anyway.

Tomorrow might be a bit tricky... we're going on a date night (yay!) and as such I think I might have trouble finishing tonight's painting, doing one for tomorrow, posting all the pictures, and going out. Hmm... conundrum. Maybe I'll have to come back home during the day while the kids are at daycare. Kind of a pain to drive back and forth so much, but worth it to stick to my goals on this project. I think it'll be ok in the end... I'll manage it!

Chris, wonderful man that he is, has been trying to help me with painting selling... he's looked into PayPal options, Etsy, Ebay, and other forms of payment so as to help anyone who wants to buy one online. So, keep an eye out... there may be a PayPal button around here somewhere in the near future. Makes things go a little faster if you want a particular painting but don't want to wait so long for me to get the cheque in the mail. Mind you... it keeps the posties in jobs... so feel free to continue to mail things! :)

Anyway... late night, droopy eyes, and a comfy bed beckons. Good night everyone!! See you tomorrow!

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