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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Study Fever

Hello again! Oh it feel so good to sleep in... until ten after seven. :) Then a nice snuggle with my son... and eventually getting out of bed for our customary Saturday morning chocolate chip waffles with peanut butter. Oh, and a ton of fruit. :) Love it!

I made some plans with another student in my class to get together and do some studying. Turns out she just lives down the street a ways from us. Sweet. :) She's super nice too so it was good to get to chat as well. I think the three and a half hours we spent reviewing for Monday's test helped us both, so it was a good afternoon. Plus, when I got home supper was almost ready, the kids were happy, and I didn't feel too bad about being gone. So... all good things!

Tonight I painted an 8x10 canvas... it's a ladybug. I'm kind of focusing on some ideas for kids because, well, I have two! I'm going to try a week of kid-oriented fun images. I hope they all turn out ok. We shall see!

We're over the 5100 mark... not by a lot, but every peek counts! I really must send off an email or two to get some things rolling on the selling front. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd love to hear them!

Otherwise, not too much else is new... we all went to the walk in clinic this morning... as a family. Yeah, the look on the receptionist's face was pretty priceless. Turns out us girls needed throat swabs to hopefully rule out strep throat, but the boys are looking to be on the mend. Here's hoping pills are not needed! I do NOT like taking pills. Bleck. Anyway... won't know for a few days. Keeping some happy healthy thoughts going. :)

So, an early bedtime for me. Part of me thinks I should be studying/reading more, or painting ahead, and the other part just wants to collapse in bed and snooze away the night. Hmm... I think I'll take that option! So... good night, sleep tight, and don't let the Zipperump-a-zoos bite!


  1. I was wondering about setting up an account on Etsy to sell them. But... this could get pretty pricey since it costs 20cents to list something, and then they take a 3.5%commission fee. (I think sellers often offset this fee by hiking up the shipping costs.) Still... something to think about? Maybe some sort of organized online sale? (Or an online auction?)

    Our farmer's market often has handmade goodies. I suspect the one out by you guys does too. Might be good to set up a table over the next few months as Christmas approaches...

    And it never hurts to get the media involved. If your local newspaper/tv/radio station were to cover the project, I suspect you would get a lot of interest.

  2. I've sent emails to a bunch of media people and heard nothing in return. I have plans to hit the markets, but have to figure out a way to display the paintings, and yeah, ruled out Etsy and Ebay because of cost. I did put up a Kijiji post though... nothing going on there either. :(
    Maybe some media attention could come from another person... can't hurt. So, if anyone else wanted to write an email to the news or the radio letting them know, the more the merrier. :) Here's hoping...


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