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Monday, September 26, 2011

Longer Days Please!

Ok... I suck. I didn't manage to get downstairs to paint tonight. I even had a plan... oh, and I didn't finish all the reading I wanted/needed to get done either. Sigh.

Oh all right, I don't actually suck... but it's easy to beat oneself up a little when you can't meet super high expectations! I know I'll catch up... and it will be ok... but I don't like that little pang of failure I get when I don't stay right on top of everything. However... since I am not superwoman, merely a mortal, I guess I will cut myself a wee bit of slack.

On the up side, I got a test back today and did considerably better than I had thought I would (tooth morphology was trickier than I thought, and I felt prepared too!)... I wrote a test that turned out to be ok (hopefully more than ok) and had a lovely chat with some of the staff at NSCC about this project. Hoping something can be worked out there to, if nothing else, increase awareness of the project. Plus, the two people were very nice considering I hijacked their lunch hour. (sorry!!)

In other news... we all seem to be on the mend. My girl's teeth are almost through (feels like I've been saying that for days) and my son is a boundless field of energy. He and Chris made muffins from scratch this morning before daycare. Might just have to have one for breakfast in the morning. They are so cute! Oh, and continuing in the vein of selective productivity, I sent off a painting in the mail to Kitchener. Well, I packaged it and got the address and Chris mailed it when he got to work. So... it was a joint effort. :) Hope you enjoy it Darryl! Let me know when it arrives? In one piece? :)

So.. enough babbling... I must go to bed otherwise I really have no excuse for not painting. I definitely type faster than I paint though! Good night and have a wonderful day tomorrow!

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