And... I'm all caught up again. :) Phew! Two more weeks of "crazy" so they say... hopefully it eases up a little. I think in some ways school will get easier, and in others it'll be harder. I'm definitely ok with the book stuff... not so sure how I'll do with the hands on, but I'm hoping it'll be just fine. After all, that's what I'll be doing every day! Anyway... school is good. We got our microbiology tests back today. I kicked myself a little for answering a question wrong when I knew darn fine what the right answer was. That's the trouble with nerves, adrenaline and going too quickly! Ah well... live and learn, right? Otherwise, the test was good. We have a doozy of a test on Monday though. At least, that's how we're all feeling. I think it will be ok too, but I definitely need more review!
The painting project is taking a little bit of a backseat to the school stuff. Obviously! If you've been reading the blog every day then you'll know all about what's been going on in my life. If not, well, suffice to say it's a heavy workload and I'm giving it my all. No point in doing it halfway... go big or go home and all that. So, there were some nights this week where I didn't get to the painting portion of my evening. Luckily I did manage to paint up a storm this evening and now I'm caught up again. Of course, it is after midnight so I'm a little behind on my update post. I figure it's ok since I haven't gone to bed yet!
So, tonight I painted three paintings... "Starry Night", "Constellations", and "Warm Sparkle". They're all the mixed media ones on 5x7 boards. I'm hoping to try something new tomorrow... but I'm also going to have to keep it "simple" so that I don't get behind! I think once these boards are in frames they're going to look super cool. I have half a mind to buy "Constellations" for myself! :) It could be my Christmas present. haha.
Anyway... I'm babbling and it's late... so here are this week's paintings. Week 38!
September 23 - Warm Sparkle |
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