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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Behind Again

Hmm... this is becoming an alarming problem. I'm behind a painting again... mostly due to schoolwork. Chris is really campaigning for me to wrap up the painting part early and spend the time figuring out how to sell them. As  he put it, I often spend more energy with the production part of a project and not nearly enough time on the marketing portion. I guess he figures if I spend the time and energy I might sell more paintings of the ones I have done than if I just keep painting but don't sell as many later. He might have a point, but I'm worried about the resulting guilt from not painting one canvas a day for a whole year as I originally planned. It seems a bit like cheating to stop now... even if there are some good reasons for possibly doing so. Tomorrow is 37 weeks, which makes 259 paintings. I could go one more day and make it an even 260. I don't know... that's quitting 100 days early and I don't know how I feel about that. Not good. I keep telling myself that I made myself a deal and I will see it through, and that life will in theory get a little easier after Turkey Day... so maybe I just have to tough it out for another three weeks until it gets better and hopefully see it through. No arguments from me on the needing to put more effort into how to sell the paintings though! That is so not my forte!!

I welcome advice, suggestions, help, purchases, ideas and support. I think I always knew this would be the toughest part of the year and the project, but it's maybe just a little harder than I had anticipated.

I promise to paint two tomorrow... at least it's not such an early start to Saturday so if I stay up late then I'll be ok. After all, it's 11pm here and I'm just getting to bed... without having had time to paint...

Oh I sound all droopy and woe is me... I'm not going there. No way. I'll find a way to do this and do it right. I just need to make a proper plan! If you want to be involved drop me a line:

Have a great night and just think... tomorrow's Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Change to weekly and make some AMAZING week long pieces! No one will fault you for that! You have done a spectacular job up to this point and it might be worth seeing what can happen with a canvas over a period of seven dasys! :) Ang


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