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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Latvia & Ukraine

Hello to the readers in Latvia and Ukraine! Always nice to see people from places farther away from here coming to check things out. Of course, I'm always happy to see anyone coming to check it out, but it seems so much more magical and exciting when it's not just North America. :)

Well, one week of school is done... four more of the "crazy" weeks to go. I figure after Thanksgiving things out to settle a bit. Until then, well, I'll just have to learn to function on even less sleep and quite possibly paint more when and if I can.

Have I mentioned that my two little munchkins are the most loveable little people I've ever seen? Yup, I had another fabulous day with my kids and love love love them to bits! It's good that they both like daycare, and that I'm doing something during the day that doesn't revolve entirely around preparing the next meal/snack, but I was worried I'd lose some connection with them from not being with them all the time. Instead it seems I've got even more love and a bit more patience... and I think, maybe, just maybe, my son might appreciate me a little more now that I'm not the wallpaper in his life! Hopefully they stay happy and healthy and know how much I love them. I always tell them it's more than all the stars in the sky.

Tonight I did a turntable painting called "Delight". It's inspired by a plate pattern we saw today at a yard sale. We were en route to the playground this morning and stopped at a street with two sales. I almost bought some clothes for my daughter but we discovered that neither of us had any cash! So... yeah. Probably for the best... she didn't need it and we're supposed to be penny pinching. Anyway, I loved the colours of these plates and it looked like it had been done on a wheel so I thought about trying to emulate it at home. It's not an exact match of course... but I like the end result. I think this week will all be turntable paintings as I like to do them in a series.

Thanks to Laura at Children's Wish... I got a package in the mail this week with a bunch of signs and stuff. I can put them up whenever/wherever I can sell my paintings. I just want people to know it is a legitimate fundraiser and that the money really and truly is going to Children's Wish Foundation. That's important to me!

Anyway... off to bed with me... got to hit the books again tomorrow. I started a study plan so I guess I had better do my best to stick to it. No sense getting behind on the first weekend! So, good night... and if you have kids, tell them how much you love them. Tell them often. :)

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