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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Balancing Act

Life is a giant balancing act, isn't it? There are so many different forces tugging and pulling, pushing and shoving... it can get overwhelming for sure. However... if you keep going through all of the difficult times you'll come out the other end stronger. At least, that's what I think.

Tonight's balancing act sort of tipped in favour of school work again... but I'll catch up again tomorrow. This weekend is going to be heavy on the studying... four tests next week and all... but after that, it should hopefully get a little easier to make time to paint. Maybe even drop by the gym. I haven't been at all this month (what a waste of money!) but I just can't bring myself to cancel the membership because I keep hoping I'll have time to go. Hoping October will bring about a fresh start on that front. Anyway... everything is going well for the most part. If you overlook not painting tonight, that is. Sorry... but it just wouldn't be right. I'd just paint something that I wouldn't be happy with and I don't want to do that. I want to be proud of what I'm doing... not just whip something off because I said I'd do it. Especially since I want people to buy the paintings (hopefully partly because they like them and partly because they want to help me support Children's Wish)!

I have a request... will someone, anyone, or everyone, please send an email to a media outlet of your choice (CBC, CTV, the Chronicle-Herald, a radio station... anyone!) and just drop them a quick note about this project and the blog link. I think, perhaps, the more they hear about it (even without perfect details on selling, sorry) the more likely they are to pay attention. And, the more the media notices, the more everyone else will hear about it and the more support we'll have for Children's Wish. That's the whole point of this anyway... to help those kids and to do something positive for the world.

So.. if you have five minutes tomorrow I'd really appreciate it if you would fire off an email. If you don't want to contact a media outlet, how about sending an email to a bunch of your own contacts with a link. Maybe the majority of people won't visit, but maybe they will. The more the merrier!

Thank you!! Good night everyone!

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