With page views almost at 1100 I'm starting this post with excitement. Of course, that could also be partly due to my son's impending third birthday and Sesame Street themed party... tomorrow! Time flies, doesn't it?
Tonight's painting idea came quickly which is a relief since I didn't get to start until much later than usual. Took longer than I thought to pick up party groceries and then do some house set-up. Ah the joy of having a very involved and helpful honey! Kudos to you Chris! I decided to paint a tree in autumn, but in an abstract cheerful way with lots of bright colours. So, it's called (in another fit of originality akin to "Horse") "Autumn". I like it. The picture of it looks a bit odd since the paint was still kind of wet... but I think it turned out well... and by well I mean close to what I had in my head. :)
So, here are the week's paintings with the captions linking to their day's blog post. Hope you enjoy them!
I think I had trees on the brain this week... 4 out of 7 paintings have at least one tree! Crazy....
Feb 11 - Autumn |
Ooo... I love "Falling"...