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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fundraising for a Fundraiser

Why does that feel weird and ironic? Ah well... it must be done. You see, in order to paint canvasses I have to buy canvasses. One or two at a time doesn't feel like much, but seven or more just about every week is starting to hurt a tiny bit. I know I'll recoup my costs at the end... but I would love to not have to take a chunk out of the money raised for Children's Wish. I have been fortunate to have received a donation of canvasses early on, and I did get a discount at Michael's today... but I could really use some more help. I don't know if there are any artists out there with blank canvasses collecting dust, or if anyone feels like donating some, but it would really make a huge impact on how much will be raised for CWF. If you are interested in talking about it one on one, please send me an email: Any and all help will be greatly appreciated and noted on the blog and at the big event. Anyway... that's me and my completely unsubtle plea for help. :) I have a few ideas on how to raise some extra canvas money... just have to put them into action!

Now on to tonight's painting... I painted a musician playing a trumpet. Probably because I was watching a show with a trumpeter... but also because I love music. It was almost a saxophone, but I have a hunch I may have been influenced by the show. The painting is called "A Little Light Music" in part because it's a play on a Stephen Sondheim musical, and partly because I painted a rainbow of notes. Rainbows are the colour spectrum of light. It made me smile anyway. :) Showing my theatre roots and slight geekiness. I had a prism as a kid and I loved making rainbows on the wall. I usually simplify the rainbow in paintings down to six colours... partly because I was never that fond of purple and thought it rather unfair it got two colours, and also because I'm a little nuts and like my symmetry. Ah, the small insights you will gain into how I think... enjoy. :)

Thanks for listening (reading?) to my rambling thoughts... have a lovely night... or morning if you're in Russia. It is so very, very cool that someone in Russia is reading this blog! Thank you whoever you are!

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