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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Almost to 1000!

WOW! Ok, I'm crazy excited about this... the last time I looked it was at 995... amazing! Thanks to everyone who is reading this and supporting the project. There's someone in Russia and someone in Denmark reading! I have family in the US and Mexico so I'm guessing that's where those readers are... but you never know. The more the merrier!

We've had some snow lately... as is par for the course in winter... and more than a few people are grumbling about it. Especially since we're supposed to be getting another bout this week. Personally I like the snow. I used to go skiing, but it's kind of costly and it has most definitely been awhile... so can't say I'd ski that well these days. Lots of people aren't so keen on snow... so tonight's painting is for them. It's a lovely beach with a palm tree and greeny-blue water. Yup, that's the technical name... greeny-blue. :) I called it "Solitude" because it's just this little peaceful beach with nothing and no one on it. You can sit and stare out at the water and relax. I thought it was restful looking... though perhaps a little sad. Not sure why... I'm not sad... far from it. Maybe it's just me, or it's the colour of the sky. Who knows. You can have solitude and be very happy too.

On a personal sort of note, I found out that my friend had her baby this evening... so many congratulations to her and her family!

Things are pretty good here in my little world... hope they are good in yours!


  1. Yay! I'm number 1000!

    We're wondering whether you take dibs for buyers for specific paintings. You know, just in case we find one we love...

    Congrats to your friends for the baby. The world needs more innocence.

  2. I think we could figure something out for paintings... after all, there will be many of them. Not sure how they'll be sold yet... either sticker price or silent auction. So maybe, if there's a buy in advance option.... hmmm... let me think on it. Which one did you like?


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