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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallowe'en!!

Ok, first things first... the Hallowe'en cuteness was on total overload at my house tonight!! Oh.. my... gosh... I do so love my children! Oh, and the kids who came to the door were pretty darn cute too. :) No shortage of adorable tonight!

The funny thing is... we have a TON of candy left over. We were thinking we didn't have enough and almost bought an extra bag when I stopped into the grocery store to pick up my snazzy new prescription safety glasses (yay they came in!!). Luckily, we didn't buy any more! I think we probably missed the bulk of the kids when we took ours out. Last year I stayed home with our daughter who was too young to go. This year we really wanted to go together. Us gals came home halfway through the street, but only had two visitors while the boys finished up. Still... it was nice to see the neighbourhood kids come by. Lots of interesting and unique costumes too. I especially liked the Mario costume. Made me think of the theme song all night!

My daughter went as a caterpillar, and my son was a pumpkin. I think they both liked their costumes and I'm pretty sure they'll be going into the dress-up box for more fun.

Tonight's painting is called "Trick-or-Treat" and is a 5x7 (I think) canvas. It's three pumpkins sitting together in Hallowe'en fashion. I think it turned out pretty well. Oh, and I put an extra touch or two on last night's painting. Chris said he liked it before... but that it is good now too. Phew.

I can't believe it's November tomorrow!! Where does the time go?? Part of me is very excited to be nearing the end of the year... and the other part is a little sad that I won't have this nightly activity to focus on and keep me thinking and writing about stuff. Even if what I write is sometimes tangential and convoluted! Maybe I'll have to start another project/blog... but Chris has forbidden me to even think of such a thing until school is over! You know... he just might have a point. ;)

Speaking of school... I have an evaluation tomorrow and a LOT of studying to do for the two tests this week. This weekend and tonight were pretty much write offs in terms of studying. I did finish up my homework, but wow... do I ever need to do some major prep! I think I'll confine myself to a study space tomorrow and just giv'er. Anyone who cares to join me is more than welcome! Just in case some of the dental gals are reading. :)

Ok... well, Happy Hallowe'en! Happy end of October... and good night!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


That is the sound I make when I'm frustrated and annoyed... mostly with myself! Oh... tonight's painting started out ok. I wanted to do something Hallowe'eny and decided on a jack-o-lantern. Well, I'm just not sure if I like the way it ended up. Chris said he liked it at the beginning, but he went up to bed before I had finished. Now... I'm just not sure. Luckily, it has been awhile since I've really been dissatisfied with a painting. So I guess that we're still at a 'win' overall... but now and then I guess you end up with a dud.

Well, I've said all along it's a bit of an experiment. When you've got an evening I guess you get what you get. Maybe I'll like it better in the morning. That has been known to happen on occasion. Here's hoping!

It's an 8x10 and I'm calling it "Mr. O'Lantern".


Ok... I'm going to bed. Today did not start out as the best of days and I'll admit to struggling to be 'happy' for a large chunk of the day. Things perked up with some pumpkin carving and seeing the kids in their costumes. Our friends came over and we had a good visit so that was nice. Gosh their kid is cute! So, on that happy note, I'm off. Happy Hallowe'en!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Late Night Posting

Oh this has got to stop... I don't know why I can't seem to get to my posting until about 11pm. With 300 or so days of experience you would think I'd have gotten it together by now! Oh well... here we are again... 11pm and I'm just getting to this part of the night. I am quite sure that I would write much more interesting stuff about painting if I hadn't just fallen asleep on the couch with my art supplies all around me. Seriously... it's embarrassing! If it's quiet for about five minutes I fall asleep... sigh.

Ok, enough moaning out of me... I am pleased that I managed to get all of September and October (so far) on the computer. Someone asked me about a painting and why they couldn't find it, and I realized that I had put a mini version on the main blog page, but then removed it during my weekly picture update post. It was one from this past month and so hadn't been turned into a gallery as of yet. So... one of my self-imposed jobs for the day was to update the galleries. The kids went to sleep, and I turned to Paint. The program rather than the activity.

So, there we have it. All updated so far. :)

Tonight's painting is an 8x10 canvas and it's almost finished. I would have finished, but I fell asleep. Literally. So... I figured, might as well stop while I do not have a big smudge on the canvas and finish the last little bit up tomorrow night. I haven't decided on a name yet, though "Frank" keeps popping into my head... so we'll have to see what sticks.

Or... if you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in a comment and I'll see what fits. It's a monkey swinging in the jungle vines. I think it's cute and kid friendly. :)

Ok... and now I'm going to bed. I've used up my supply of blinks that open again and it's time for a long snooze. Have a lovely night... see you tomorrow!

September & October Paintings!

With links to each week so you can peruse the daily adventures of ACAD.

Week 35
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40
Week 41
Week 42
Week 43

Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 43 - 301 Paintings

What can I say that I haven't already said? There's probably something... but I'm not sure what it is. It's hard to be eloquent when all day my eyelids have been drooping. That wall of exhaustion was staring me in the face and every now and then my eyes would drift shut only to be jerked open for fear of falling asleep in class. Way back when I went to university I could swear I had a sleepy time of the day. Right after lunch, between 1:30 and 3:30 and occasionally first thing in the morning, around about 9:30 or so... it would be all I could do not to drift off. I wonder if we just have slump times and if so, what can we do to perk ourselves up that doesn't involve bottled or mugged caffeine? Whatever it is, I could have used some today! I did stay awake... but just. After school I stayed to do some test prep and even then, in that quiet room, my eyes were closing. I think people who walked by must have thought I was nuts... oh well. I'll get some good sleep this weekend and start up fresh again.

Oh, I do want to say a quick thank you to Tina for designing a very cool poster in preparation for the upcoming craft shows. She is a really wonderful person and a great friend. Plus, she's an amazing artist. So... thank you Tina... I totally owe you one! If anyone local wants to post some posters for me I'd really appreciate it. Just let me know! :)

Tonight's painting is called "Wings of Courage" and it's another oil pastel/acrylic painting. I did the background in reds to purples, and the single butterfly is in deep purple. I wanted to do something that would be intertwined and that might be pretty and thoughtful at the same time. It's a 5x7 board as well.

So... to the pictures! I will try to put up the galleries for September and October this weekend... and update the catalogue. After all, I did sell a painting today! Yay! Enjoy the pictures!

October 22 - Woah!

October 23 - Hmm...

October 24 - Quizzical

October 25 - Lookout Point

October 26 - Sunny Frolic

October 27 (day 300) - Winter's Approach
October 28 - Wings of Courage

Thursday, October 27, 2011

300 DAYS!!!

WOW!!! I was doing a little checking of the math and today is day 300! That means 300 paintings!

Somehow... that just doesn't seem possible, but it is! I want to take this moment to thank each and every person who has supported me on this journey... with encouragement, art supplies, purchases, poster making, display construction, offers of other help... you guys are all SO amazing!! Thank you! This whole thing has been a wild up and down crazy time consuming ride and I've loved it all. I think that it has given me a lot and I hope it will give those kids even more.

Words aren't quite enough right now... just know that I have a bit of a tear in my eye and it's a good thing.

Tonight's painting is called "Winter's Approach". Yup, it was a bit chilly this morning and the leaves are almost all gone from the tree in our front yard. As much as I dislike getting up early, it's such a nice moment between the front door and the car just to look around at our street with everything quiet and still and just be there for a second. Then the spell is broken and there's the mad dash to cram kids into their car seats and make the carpool commute to work and school. But for that brief moment it's a perfect new day. The painting itself is on a 5x7 board and is a mixed media painting. I used oil pastels that were given to me today as a thank you gift for some help I gave on our resume assignment. It was totally unexpected and very thoughtful so thank you! I don't like to mention names unless I get permission... but you know who you are and I'm really quite pleased and touched that you'd do that. :) Over top of the oil pastels (cool colours) I did a tree in black acrylic and then carved away some of the paint to show the colours underneath. I think it looks pretty neat and I'm going to attempt something sort of similar tomorrow... I have a plan!

I'm sure I could go on and on about general stuff... but I guess I really ought to go to sleep. I fell asleep sitting up on the couch at 7:30 when Chris took our son to bed. He came down and I woke up with a jolt! Weird... but I suppose that should tell me something!

OH... before I forget... hello to all of the international readers from the past few days... we have five countries show up on the map today... Japan is one of them and I think that's a first time for someone from there. Malaysia, Hong Kong and the Philippines were on the map recently as well. I love seeing the map turn all green! Hello to our friends in Sweden as well... I guess that means they're back home. We miss all of our friends and family around the world. Thank you for being part of this!!

And now... good night! Happy 300 Days!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Good News!

Well, it would seem like the little project that could really can! If my information is correct, and it likely is since it came from someone who would know these things, the interview I'm scheduled to do with CBC is going to be on Information Morning as well as Main Street. Yay! I believe it will air on November 11th and during the following week as well as being available on the CBC Radio website. So... lots of opportunity to check it out!

Now I have to hope I don't make a hash of it! :)

Not too much else is new in my world... my first attempt at an impression/model of Dexter's teeth turned out pretty well so that's good. Oh... and we had a visitor today from a toothbrush/toothpaste/etc maker who gave the whole class a ton of samples! I don't think we'll have to buy anything for quite awhile... plus... I won a fancy electric toothbrush in a draw! I never win in draws... I almost bought a 649 ticket but then figured I'd used up my good luck for the next month or so. So... good times!

Tonight's painting... I've had this one sketched out on a piece of paper for awhile but didn't want to do it on a 4x4 canvas because I didn't think it would fit properly. So... tonight I did it on a 5x7 board. It's called "Sunny Frolic" and it is a cute little rhino (much like the cartoony head from last week) only with a body. It's romping through the sunshine. I like him... I think he should be a stuffed toy animal. Too bad I'm not so handy with a sewing machine or I'd give it a go!

I've started thinking about Christmas already... shouldn't really do that before we've had Hallowe'en... life gets too rushed by the stores I don't need to do it to myself! But... in this case, it wouldn't hurt to start early. I have suggested to my husband's family that we attempt a green Christmas this year. Green in the sense that we minimize the buying, do some recycling of stuff, create some gifts, that kind of thing. Oh, and I'm refusing to buy even a lick of wrapping paper! So since we're shooting for this I kind of want to start present making early. When I'll fit that in to my schedule I do not know! I will find a way... I'm stubborn like that. ;) It's an interesting idea and I encourage others to think about it too. Half the time we don't need the stuff we buy and most people would agree that the holiday is far too commercialized as it is. If you do buy stuff, why not check out the craft shows and farmers markets and support the individual over the corporation? You never know what treasures you might find.

Ok, I'll hop off my soapbox  now and go to bed. Try as I might I never seem to get to bed before 11:30. Sigh... this should make for an interesting morning! Good night!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lasagna & Lighthouses

One of our friends is in town (surprise!) so we had him over for homemade lasagna tonight. I like visiting, and I like an excuse to make lasagna! So, we had a lovely evening and I think my son really enjoyed seeing Stefan again. It's too bad the whole family couldn't be here, but they are overseas and hopefully having a good time!

My day was long again... but good. We did our first impressions today (of teeth, not people) and it went pretty well. I didn't finish mine early enough today so I won't get to see the end result until the morning, but I guess an exercise in patience wouldn't hurt! I'm not so good at waiting. ;)

Then tonight I painted. I ended up calling a classmate/friend back as well and I asked her what I should paint tonight. She suggested a lighthouse. I guess it's a pretty safe bet that someone out there might buy a painting of a lighthouse to give to someone as a Christmas gift. I did it as if it was late evening, the sky is turning a deeper purple-blue and the stars are just starting to peek out. It's on a 5x7B and I think it's ok.

Thinking about Christmas... I'm planning to make cards of some kind to include with the paintings that give a brief description of the project, a link to this blog, and a special thank you note for their donation to Children's Wish. I think including that with a Christmas present (or birthday, or whatever) makes it just that much more meaningful. Friends of ours have given us Christmas cards from (I think) Plan Canada saying that instead of a physical gift they have donated money on our behalf. I think that's a fantastic idea! So, the painting plus little card is sort of a combination of regular gift giving plus knowing that the gift was bought with the money going to Children's Wish. I think that would be extra nice to see. So... I will get to work on that as well.

There is an addition to the blog. I have added a list of craft shows that I hope to be attending. The Porter's Lake one is confirmed, the other two are all but confirmed. I have to pay, but they are aware that I'm very interested so it should be fine.

I've also updated the catalogue to the best of my late-night knowledge. I will double check again tomorrow, but I think that's correct. I know there are a few people who have said they'd like to reserve a painting and I haven't had confirmation, so if you're reading and that includes you, please feel free to get in touch with me by email: and we can see how it stands. Oh, you may have noticed my email has changed. I'm attempting to slowly switch over from my original email address. Yup, I made the other one when I was 18. I think I will miss it when it's finally gone... like a little bit of early internet history for me. However, my last name is different and I am definitely not 18 anymore! Given that I'm making a new resume I guess it's about time I tried to sound a little more professional.

One last unrelated tangent before I tuck myself in... one of my instructors today was commenting on her son's addiction to Angry Birds, but more so on his ability to use a computer tablet. It is incredible what small children can learn!! Also, how much the world has changed in such a short time. We didn't even have computers in our homes when I was 3. Nor did we have cell phones, mobile internet, texting... all of the things that so many youths see as mainstream. I'm not particularly old or anything... but wow! When you think back even 15 years there have been amazing technological advances (not all of them good). I wonder what the next decade will bring. Here's hoping some good choices will be made.

Ok... I'm now going to bed... I don't even think I have the energy to google Angry Birds. Maybe in all of my spare time tomorrow. ;)  Nighty-night!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Two in One!

I'm all caught up again!! Tonight I did the gorilla I had planned for awhile and another hippo because the feedback for the hippo has been so positive. Plus, it's fun to paint! So... there you go... back on track!

In other news... there's a one day craft show and pancake breakfast here in Dartmouth that I'm hoping to be part of. I have to firm it up still, but when it's for sure I'll post more details here. I'm getting SOOO excited!! Things are really starting to pick up and I'm just blown away by the support I've been getting from friends who are getting interested in the project. Some are just hearing about it, and some are revisiting it... and some, the troopers in this long-term adventure are still here! You guys are all amazing!

Everything is going well right now... and I'm not going to jinx it by writing too much more. Sleep is good... so sleep it will be! Good night!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Busy Busy Day!

The upside to a busy day with lots of friendly visitors is that you get to see your friends and accomplish a great deal. I did a fair bit of my homework, got all caught up with my lab/clinic videos (even refreshed a few) and gave the kids a bath.

The downside is that at ten pm you really don't want to try to force yourself to stay awake and go to paint for a few hours, thus undoing the progress you've made getting ready for the lab/clinic. I can't say I do my best work when I'm nodding off! Must be alert when handling infectious stuff! Oh the technical term 'stuff'... my favourite. ;)

So... long story short, I did not paint tonight. I will do two tomorrow to make up for it.

Oh... and a good thing that happened today is I filled out my application for the Cole Harbour Place craft show, which, somewhat inconveniently happens to be November 19th and 20th as well. I have put out a request for some helpers to run these two shows and so far I've got a few people who have offered! I really do have wonderful friends!!

So... two fabulous opportunities to get this project out into the community and raise some money! Not a bad thing at all. :)

Ok... enough out of me... I'm off to bed. A well rested student is a successful student. Or something like that! Good night!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Wow! WOW!!!

Ok, the back story first...

A few years ago I worked for the Multicultural Association of Nova Scotia as the Assistant Artistic Director for the Multicultural Festival. That, in and of itself was an amazing experience and I met some pretty incredible people. One of whom is the lovely Olga Milosevich. She was the MC for the festival so I got to spend some time backstage chatting with her, and we sort of kept in touch and bumped into one another over the following years. Anyway, as it turns out, Olga works for CBC and hosts the arts show Connections. Here is a link for her page at CBC:

I decided the other day to send out another couple of emails now that I actually have a concrete date/place to sell some paintings. I thought, maybe this would be more interesting rather than just news of this project's existence. Well, luck was with me... Olga was at work today and saw my email! She gave me a call this afternoon and we've got plans to do an  interview about this project!! SOOO excited!

So... things are starting to come together a bit more. Plus... my lovely husband got to work today making something to display the paintings. He's a great guy! He's still recovering so he didn't get to finish as much as I think he wanted to, but what he did do is great and I appreciate his help so much! So, to my currently sleeping husband, thank you!!

Now... on to tonight's painting... I did another little monkey face because, well, let's face it, I love monkeys! The first one turned out pretty well so I did another one with a different expression and I switched up the colours. I can't wait to put all of them together at the show and see what happens. Here's hoping! It's a 4x4 canvas as well... I'm trying to stick with a theme and a size for now. Keep it going as long as it is working!

I can't tell you how excited I am right now, and how grateful I am to all of the people who are supporting me through this! There are a lot of people and you make me so happy! The last few weeks have been a bit tough, but we're making it work! I think the final ten weeks are going to be a wonderful whirlwind and I hope we raise a ton of money for Children's Wish!!

And now I'm going to bed... all that excitement... whew! :) Have a great night and a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 21, 2011

BIG Updates for Week 42!!

So... first, the big update is about the craft show/sale in November!! Yay! This is very exciting!

Secondly... I'm all caught up again so the week will have seven pictures as it is supposed to. So, yay again!

I called tonight's painting "Archimedes" after the owl from The Sword in the Stone movie. It's animated and adorable. I haven't seen it in ages, but the little owl character stayed with me over the years. Love him! Owls in general, really... but he was just such a fun character!

Third, I've gotten some feedback/support from some of the faculty at school and I couldn't be happier about it. Not only is it nice to hear positive feedback about the project and even my paintings, but there have been some great suggestions for how to go about selling some paintings on campus. I'm thrilled that there is support and encouragement. Not surprised, given the people involved... but still thrilled!

This past week has been a rough one... a lot of illness in the house, projects and a test, not a lot of sleep, and multiple trips to the dentist. We managed though... and even Chris seems to be doing better. I hope the antibiotics are doing the trick!

Speaking of the past week... here are this week's paintings! This is week 42, so that means only 10 weeks are left! Must really get on the selling! The craft show gig should help! Thanks again Trina for forwarding that information! Ok... enough out of me, good night and enjoy!

October 15 - Nuzzle

October 16 - Monkey Face

October 17 - Timid Tiger

October 18 - Happy Fellah

October 19 - Siblings

October 20 - Happy Hippo
October 21 - Archimedes


I will be selling paintings at the Porter's Lake Community Centre on November 19th and 20th as part of the 22nd Annual Old Fasioned Seaside Christmas.

Thanks to Trina for passing the notice along and thanks to Susan for being so helpful when I called to sign up!

Do NOT miss it!! Um, unless you don't live here.

Sales continue online... leave a comment or email me if you're interested in a painting and we will work it out!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Procrastination Is Not My Friend!

For the first time I didn't do an assignment right when it was handed out... I put it off because other stuff was due first. And, to be honest, there was a lot of family stuff... illness, trips to the walk-in etc. So, priorities being what they are, this assignment got delayed. So, I'm pretty much done it now, but I have a few more things to do and it's getting a bit too late to paint. So... long story short, I will catch up tomorrow for sure.

This whole one canvas a day thing is starting to become a little fuzzy on the deadlines. I do apologize. Part of me feels like that's failing to meet my own criteria, and the other part is trying to cut myself a little slack and focus on the bigger picture. There will still be 365 paintings by the end of the year, and the money raised will still go to the Children's Wish Foundation. So, as long as every Friday there are seven paintings posted, I guess I will have to be ok with how it gets there! Are you with me? :)

Chris is great... even though he's off sick again today (turns out it's a lung infection now... here's hoping it doesn't turn into pneumonia!) he did some research on possible selling venues. The Mic Mac Mall is out... the only dates they had left for the community booth are weekdays and I'm in school. So... working on craft fairs and farmers markets. Chris sent out an email or two to see if there are any possibilities. Thanks!!

Well, I guess I had best get back to work here... it's going to be a late one. Sorry again... but it's picture day tomorrow so it'll be caught up for sure. Good night!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Good Karma

I wouldn't say I'm an overly spiritual person. But... I do like the idea of karma. Something about cosmic retribution seems like a good thing. I bumped into a nice young man at a particular clothing store this evening. I went in to buy a pair of scrubs that will fit better... and we got to chatting about karma and putting out some positive energy. I hope the rest of his evening went very well, and I thank him for the chat and the stickers. I passed along this website for him to check out and I hope he does. :)

You know, the thing about karma and our society is the somewhat misguided idea that if we put out good vibes and do nice things for others that we might then be owed something in return. I think we really need to move away from that idea. It's not really quid pro quo. It's more like pay it forward. I think I remember reading something about moods being contagious. If you smile at someone they are more likely to then smile at another person and so on, and yet if you frown or are grouchy that mood will be passed instead. But... do we smile at someone for the sheer sake of getting a smile in return? I'd like to think that we smile because it's just nice to do it. I try to say hello or good morning to people when I walk past. I think it's polite. It always drives me nuts when someone averts their eyes and pretends I'm not even there. I'm not going to drag a complete stranger into a twenty minute conversation... it's a quick hello, and acknowledgement of another's presence. Hmm... I'm getting off on a tangent again... the point is more that even if the happy stuff doesn't come back to you right away, the point is more that you have contributed to the betterment of society by putting some happy out there. That, in itself, is a reward. Karma doesn't work on a deadline!

Anyway... back to the reason for being here... as you may remember from last night, I got a little behind. I'm almost caught up now. I'll chalk up the reason for not being fully caught up to paint dry time. Ugh. I did a little rhino for last night... "Happy Fellah" is the name. For tonight I started "Siblings" which is a pair of giraffes. Watching my kids tonight made me think of it. My son is the older brother, taller, stronger, more verbal, and such a little sweetheart to his little sister. So, the giraffes are there, and one is taller, standing behind sort of watching over the littler one. It made me think of my kids and so it made me happy. They are both 4x4 canvasses and I think they'd make for some fun kids room decor.

Sheesh... look at the time! It's already 11:30! Guess I'd better pop myself into bed and attempt sleep. My poor husband (who wrote me the most wonderful poem in a card today) had a fever of 102 and is not in the best shape. Ugh. Any tips? He's trying tylenol and drinking lots of liquids... but the guilt of being off work is getting to him. Oh my mind is all over the place... bedtime made me think of Chris because he's trying to sleep through my typing... so to help him out I'm going to stop now. Right now. Good night!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What a Day!

We got to experiment with local and topical anesthetic (no one stuck themselves as far as I know!), practice disinfection, assessments, and all sorts of other fun dental lab/clinic exercises. I'm even getting a bit better at vital signs! Ah... they are long days, and physically tiring days, but they are good days. :)

Feeling a slight surge of stress though... there's a test tomorrow and a fairly big assignment due Friday. I finished the other big one that's due tomorrow... oh, and I go to the dentist myself tomorrow. This wouldn't stress me out so much, but we've been looking at our teeth the past two days and I'm a little concerned about one or two of mine. Strange, since I take pretty good care of them... especially now! A little information (and some gruesome pictures) can go a long way!! Well, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow...

I did not get to paint tonight because I was studying and trying desperately to finish up my scholarship applications (due Friday!!). Plus, I'm going to attempt an early-ish night since our house is a hotbed of germies. My poor husband is still sick. The cough he has is enough to make anyone worry! However, he says he thinks he's turned a corner. Hope so... the fever/chills have passed. Still, sleeping next to him and his germs is enough to make me want to get as much rest as I can... I cannot get sick!!

I'm going to try to do two paintings tomorrow... a little rhino (have that one planned and sketched out) and maybe just maybe a giraffe or two... I have an idea bouncing around. :) I'm really liking the animal paintings. They're cute and fun. Attention people with kids... or people who know people with kids... you might just like these... and the money goes to... kids! :)

Well, good night all... or good morning depending on where in the world you are... Canada, USA, UK and the Philippines today so the stats tell me. So... enjoy life wherever you are and thank you for visiting!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Little Tiger

Continuing the animal theme... a little tiger head.

I'm sorry... I'd write so much more, but my eyes are closing and my body is saying "Sleep!! Go to Bed. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200! Sleeeeeeeep!"

Hmm... guess I'd better listen. :)

More tomorrow... good night...zzzZZZ.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Monkeying Around

I love monkeys! My daughter's room is covered with them and I've been collecting stuffed monkeys since the early 90s. My Chinese Zodiac is the Monkey. I just can't get enough!

So... it seemed fitting somehow to do a painting of a cute little monkey face tonight. It's kid friendly art and it's cute.

It's on a 4x4 canvas and I'm tempted to buy it myself!

In other news... my husband's fever is up to 101 and I'm getting quite concerned. He's practically greenish. Definitely going to the doctor in the morning. If not tonight. Happy thoughts are appreciated. :)

Otherwise not too much else is new... lots of family time today... nursing the sickies in the house and prepping for the week to come. I think, in terms of painting, you'll likely see a tiger and a rhino this week as well. Maybe an ostrich... not sure yet. Should be fun though.

See you tomorrow!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kid-Friendly Animal Art

Or, as my son says, aminal. Mispronunciation is so cute when you're three! I remember when he was just learning to talk... sweet potato was fee-po-doh. Muffins were muff-men. Oh, and the day we finally got the second 'na' in banana! Kids are so great!

I've been writing some essays for scholarship applications for school, and one is about a love of learning. Well, that isn't so hard for me... after all, I've jumped into school again! One of the things I wrote about was how I hoped that my kids would love to learn as much as I do, and that seeing their curiosity about the things and people around them is so amazing and wonderful. How do we lose that as we age? It seems like there are too many "right answers" for all of life's little mysteries. My husband is the curious type... me, well, yes, but I also like to leave some things as a mystery. Rainbows for example. Yes, I know about light refraction and wavelength and all that, but isn't it much more romantic to just gaze at an atmospheric miracle? And maybe just maybe pretend that there really is a leprechaun's pot of gold or a wish at the end of it? Or that a double rainbow is a good omen? I don't want to lose all of that... just compliment it.

Speaking of my kids, my son is on round two of medicine for his ear infection. We spent the afternoon together meandering through the grocery store, reading Charlotte's Web in the waiting room, snuggling on the bench waiting for the prescription... it was, with the exception of the illness, quite a lovely time just us together. I find that I'm usually brimming with love for both kids all weekend and I think it's because I don't spend all day every day with them anymore. I miss them. Chris is also sick... he has a fever and I'm a little worried about him. Hopefully the morning brings good news.

Now... enough of me babbling on about my life... tonight's painting is called "Nuzzle" and is a giraffe and a baby giraffe. It sort of looks like the baby is snuggled up to his/her parent. I guess my default is to say mother since I'm a mom, but I'm not quite sure of the giraffe family dynamic. Can't really make that call. So... take it as you will... either way, a parent and child of either gender can snuggle. I was feeling a lot of warm fuzziness today so I suppose it came out in the painting! It's on a stretched canvas, but I'm afraid I don't recall the size. Between 4x5 and 5x7 for sure.

I think I'm going to try to continue with some kid-friendly animal art this week. I really liked painting an elephant so I might try to do something with elephants again. For now, I'm going to snuggle up to my own personal bed-heater and hope that my boys feel better in the morning. Happy thoughts and good night all!

P.S. I emailed Mic Mac Mall today about signing up for the community booth sometime in November and/or December. Here's hoping something comes of that!

Friday, October 14, 2011

41 Fantastic Weeks of Fun!

Tonight I decided to bake some chocolate chip cookies... partly for my husband and partly for our new neighbours. I've sort of made a habit of welcoming newbies with a tub of cookies. Just because. :) So, between trays going in and coming out of the oven, I painted. I managed to catch up on all three paintings... so we have "Fiery Feline" which is a little lion in all warm colours. I was definitely inspired by the Lion King colouring and poster image. Then we have "Splishy Splash" which is a little elephant happily squirting water out of his/her trunk. Finally, to wrap up the week I did "45 Fingers" which is my little way of nudging acceptance and co-operation into the world. Chris came up with the title because there are nine handprints and therefore 45 fingers. The first two are 5x7 boards, and the last was a 12x12 canvas.

And now... since it's almost twelve thirty... the pictures and then bed for me. :) Enjoy!

October 8 - Serengeti

October 9 - Whistle

October 10 - Tahitian Trio

October 11 - One of A Crowd

October 12 - Fiery Feline

October 13 - Splishy Splash
October 14 - 45 Fingers

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Another Disappointment

Nope... didn't get to painting tonight either. I suppose in all honesty I could go down and paint right now... it's only ten. But... I've been doing a lot of late nights and early mornings and I think I need the sleep pretty badly.

Do you ever get those sneaky headaches? The ones where one minute you feel completely fine, then the next, with a big painful whoosh you've got a pounding headache? At least today's headache passed quickly and with no ibuprofin! Thankful for the little things, right? Lots of water and some sleep... that's the ticket.

We wrote our last Dental Science test today. All about Oral Pathology. Believe me...if you didn't take care of your teeth before, you sure do now! The pictures in that book... wow. Of course, if you're ever so slightly prone to hypochondria (like me... a little) then you start imagining every lump and bump to be something awful. Good times. When I go see my super awesome Dentist next week I think I'll probably be begging for a full and complete check up! Do NOT ignore your oral health!!

Ok... little rant over. :) On the plus side, last night's studying paid off I think. I walked out of the test feeling pretty good about it. Still feel guilty for not painting... but this is really important to me and so when it comes to priorities you have to do what you have to do first.

I will catch up though. That's a promise.

And now... an early night. Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Science Test Tomorrow

So you know what that means... I didn't get to paint tonight. Ugh. I don't like these nights... but what are you going to do? There has to be a balance and priorities and general sanity retention. So... tonight the painting was the thing to give. Here's hoping all the studying and card making pays off!! :)

I did go downstairs to look at the paintings though... I find that sometimes when I'm feeling like I haven't been accomplishing as much as I'd like to, it's good to take inventory of what I have done. With this project it's a tangible amount of work! I can look around my basement and see the boxes of paintings and the last two months or so on the bookshelves waiting for their boxes. It's a crazy feeling to see it all and think, wow... I did all of those. So that part does feel good. :)

On the flip side, I then usually start to get stressed out thinking about how I'm going to actually sell all of them! Oh my... I think I may have to rope my husband into this thing and delegate some phone calling to him! Then, once I get a few dates sorted out I think I'm going to send out another barrage of emails to local media with actual dates, times and locations in hopes that it'll peak their interest a bit more. It can't hurt right?

I've also decided that this project is going to be the subject of my oral presentation for my communications class at school. It's a five to ten minute presentation on a hobby or interest... something like that. So... why not this? I'm always happy to share the idea with people and any and all support and exposure is good as far as I'm concerned. So... toward the end of the year I will be standing in front of my classmates and telling them all about A Canvas A Day. Pretty exciting!

I hope to catch up tomorrow... but I have another test on Friday so I might have to do my catch up then. Fingers crossed! Good night everyone!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One of a Crowd

That's the name of tonight's painting. It's on a 5x7 board and is a face. Sort of.

I chose the name because it is a featureless face, so it could conceivably be anyone in a crowd... but the painting is of only one face, not a crowd. I think it could mean something different to each person so I would hope a different interpretation comes from inside anyone who sees it.

Just as an interesting aside, I was also thinking of "Reinvention" as the title... we are like blank canvasses at times, are we not? There is never a point in life where we are "too late" to reinvent ourselves or our goals. We just have to be brave enough to realize we can do anything if we try. Ok, maybe not become an astronaut... but, well, maybe...

Anyway... still on track for my nightly painting... a little behind perhaps in my reading... but I will catch up for sure. So far so good. Have a lovely night!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hula Dancing... Molars?

Ok... so I got a little crazy tonight! Teeth are on the brain these days... weeks... and so on. So... for kicks, I painted a "Tahitian Trio". Three lovely molars (someone has good oral hygiene) doing a little hula dancing on a grassy knoll. It made me giggle and would be fun in a dental office. Just saying. :)

It's a 5x7 board and I think it's rather cute.

Not much else is new... we had a low-key day today since mostly everyone is ill. My son is still feeling pretty crummy, my husband is sick (again, poor guy) and my daughter is teething and not too comfy. Me? Well, just a bad headache and hopefully I can once again keep the germies at bay. I'm so thankful for my almost indestructible immune system!!

So... hope everyone had a lovely long weekend... that is, if you got one... and if you didn't, then I hope Monday wasn't too painful for you. :) Good night and see you all tomorrow!

Sunday Night, Post Turkey

I think, upon a quick bit of reflection, that Thanksgiving isn't technically until tomorrow... but I'm pretty sure most people gather to munch birdie today. It's just easier... lets you sleep off that "turkey coma". Oh, and it isn't really related to the turkey so much as the huge amount of food we all seem to eat. I kept it to one helping and one slice of pie this year. Trying to skinny it up a little... and don't like that uncomfortable overfull feeling. Anyway... we went up to my parents' house for dinner this year. My poor wee girl is teething and was obviously in quite a bit of pain. She screamed (not cried... but screamed) the whole hour and a half up there. Oy. But... she cheered up a lot when we got there and the kids played outside quite happily for the afternoon. With no nap this was indeed a pleasant surprise. I kind of figured we were getting set up for a nightmare! She didn't eat any supper really... think that was a combo of uncomfy gums and overtiredness. Slept the whole way home... but then again, so did I! Poor Chris... after we passed Truro he was the only conscious one in the car! I am thankful that he doesn't fall asleep while driving!

After we got home and popped the two little ones into bed, it was time to paint. So... I finished up last night's painting and called it "Serengeti" (my apologies if that's spelled wrong... I'll probably go double check tomorrow)... and tonight's painting is a 5x5 emoticon type painting called "Whistle". My mom even said she liked this little series I've got going. Might even buy one. I figure it's great office stress relief!

Otherwise... just going to do some school work tomorrow and maybe go for a walk in the park with the family. I tried to do some work in the car today and it didn't go so well. Studying while your child is screaming and crying is not so easy! I did manage to sort of cheer her up in the last ten minutes or so of the drive. Sigh.

So... what is everyone thankful for this year? I'm thankful for my family... the opportunity to go to school and get an education... all of our health... and that I can do this project. Thanks as always to Chris who is so supportive and my best friend. I hope you all had a great turkey dinner and made some time to reflect on what it is about this past year that you are thankful for. I'm sure there's more than you initially think! Good night!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Little Inspiration

I took my son to see the Lion King today... it was his first trip to the movies. Chris came up with the idea after seeing that it was playing again. So... we prepped him a little for the plot points, showed him a video clip of one of the songs and away we went. I think he really enjoyed it. He snuggled up in my lap and munched on his contraband raisins (shh, don't tell the theatre!) and we watched it together. Love love love!!

So... since that was the movie we went to see, I tried to use it as inspiration for tonight's painting. Admittedly, I did not finish it. Chris and I were set for a date night tonight and because I was out most of the day with my little fella, I didn't have a lot of time to paint. I tried... believe me, I tried. Got about halfway through when it started going wrong. What was in my head was most definitely not what was on the canvas. So... I decided to not push it and we went on our date. Well, it's ten after one in the morning right now... he's driving our babysitter (who is awesome) home... and I'm going to do a little bookkeeping and head to bed. I'll finish the painting up tomorrow and all will be well. At least I've got a good start and it's not from scratch! This past week was nuts... I felt so bad not getting much painting done during the week... but school has to be my priority. After all... I'm kinda paying for it, and it's what I want to do with my work life. So... yeah. Luckily the intense first five weeks are now done and I'm hoping that might mean some more time to paint. Hoping anyway... we shall see!

Stay tuned here for some farmer's market details or wherever else I can go to sell these paintings. Another aspect I've sort of paused until the five week mark. Here's hoping I can iron out some details soon!

Ok... that's enough out of me... any more and I'll start mindlessly babbling again. Have a great night!

Friday, October 7, 2011

40 Weeks - Picture Time!

So... hard work pays off... I did well on my tests, got a little behind on the painting... but got all caught up tonight. I'll admit that the paintings aren't the great works of art I'd like them to be... but five in a night is tough. I'm not sure I have enough ideas for that many in one night! I do think they'll look pretty cool in a frame though. Interesting colours and texture effects. :)

So, they are... "Underwater Mystery" mostly texture in turquoise. "Sun Spots" in honour of the cold weather the past two days. Luckily we did get to change classrooms today so the triple layers I had on were not entirely necessary. I got down to only one hoodie by the end of the day! Next is "The Small Things"... a purple washy background with three tiny daisies in the corner. Reminds me to remember all the small good things when life is starting to mush together and get a little intense. After that, "Little Green Men" because tiny green aliens are great, and this one is up close and personal. Finally, "Prehistoric Shadows" which was actually made in conjunction with "Underwater Mystery" if you look closely. It got its title because when I painted in the white space with black paint it made me think of skeletal shapes of dinosaurs.

So... five weeks of school done... what a ride. I think I can be pretty pleased with how I've done so far. Seems worth the sacrifices to get there. And... I'm really looking forward to a weekend spent playing with my kids instead of having to study study study. Don't get me wrong, there will be some studying... two tests next week... but at least it won't be quite like the past month. I kinda miss the little guys!

Without further ado... here are this week's paintings:

October 1 - Muse

October 2 - Queasy

October 3 - Underwater Mystery

October 4 - Sunspots

October 5 - The Small Things
October 6 - Little Green Men
October 7 - Prehistoric Shadows

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hoo Boy

Tomorrow is picture day, and if I don't get myself together I'll have very few pictures to share! I knew this week was going to be tough, but I didn't think it'd be this hard to get everything done. My test tomorrow scares me. I'm not as ready as I want to be at all. But... sleep is winning out again.

The exam this morning went well... despite there being no heat in the building. Yup, two sweatshirts wasn't enough to keep me warm! However, I have a school to go to, opportunities for education, teachers, computers, books, all kinds of supplies... there are so many who do not have these things in life and I want to be grateful for them first... rather than whine about the cold. I did enough of that earlier! So... I guess, even when life seems hard, it's good to remember that there are others with less and harder times, and they don't complain anywhere near as much as we do. Look on the bright side!

And on that note... I'm going to turn off the computer, crawl into my comfy bed, and go to sleep. See you tomorrow... hopefully with some more paintings!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Going to Have My Work Cut Out For Me!!

Sigh... another night of getting behind. :(

On the up side, I think I did really well on today's test. Much better than that first test of the week. (Still ticked about one question where I was right but she won't budge). Anyway.... Live in the moment. That's a good piece of advice and I'm trying to follow it.

I have the sweetest husband! I was getting the droopy eyelid thing again and he very kindly popped out to pick up some caffienated beverage and a little bit of chocolate. I didn't eat too much but it did perk me up enough to finish reviewing my teeth. Not mine, literally, but the teeth pictures so that I might be able to accurately identify them on the test tomorrow. Good times. :) Anyway, the point was more that despite the lateness of the hour, and the potentially damp weather, he went out and got some stuff for me. (He bought himself some cookies too) He's a great guy and as my friend said (and I totally agree) a keeper. So, here's to the Keeper... the elusive category of people who are just all around great. Love you Chris!!

In other news... today my little girl slept in her daycare crib for almost two hours... for the first time!!! Up until now she's crashed on pillows in a box structure thingy. She was absolutely refusing her crib until today! She's been going since mid-August... so this is a big step. Yay!! My son still has a nasty cough, but otherwise is ok. Cheerful and loving his books so it's all good there. :) He even went to bed fairly co-operatively for a change.

And... speaking of bed... it's where I'm headed. I've promised to make pancakes for breakfast (what was I thinking??) and so I'll be getting up a little earlier than usual. What can I say? How can I refuse such a sweet little face? So... good night all! Here's hoping I get a chance to catch up... probably on the weekend as I have another test on Friday and I'm so not ready for that one. Tomorrow's final exam I feel good about... but we'll see how the rest of it all goes. Whee!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Eyelids: 1 Me: 0

Sorry... sorry sorry sorry... I just can't do it. My eyelids are drooping and it's taking three times as long to type because I'm fixing my typos. I have to go to bed. :(

Two paintings behind now... hopefully with the long weekend coming I can catch up!

Big science test tomorrow... cross your fingers for me!

ZzzzZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzz good night!

Wow! Hello to the Netherlands!

That was a pleasant surprise! A new country on the map and a whole bunch of views. Probably someone checking things out thoroughly... but I'll take it all! Thanks and welcome!

First, an apology... I didn't get to painting last night. My poor husband pretty much had to pry my textbook out of my semi-conscious hand to get me to bed. Yup, today was test number one this week. I just wrote it... and I did not like it. However... I said that the last time I wrote one of her tests and ended up doing better than I thought... so here's hoping!

I'm hoping to get to paint tonight, but I am not holding my breath on that one. Tomorrow is the science test... Embryology & Histology. Oh joy. I'm pretty ready... but after today I want to be extra ready!!

In other news... well, there really isn't any other news! Just buried in the books... we move to the clinic next week so I'm hoping there will be more hands-on work and less studying/reading. In some ways this is bad... I am fairly confident with the book stuff... but in other ways it might be good in that I'll have time to paint and hey, oh I don't know... spend time with my kids! :)

So, my apologies for not painting or blogging last night... I was too busy snoring. I'll do my very best this week. So stay tuned!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gearing Up For A Week of Crazy

Good evening! I may have mentioned that school is about to get a little nuts. We have four tests this week! Four! Ok, so I think I'll do fine, but I want to do really well and four is a whole lot of work. I don't mind work... but I have a sneaking suspicion that I may miss a day (or two) of painting before Friday. I will do my best...

Had a little chat today with a gal at the Harbourview Market. She gave me a tip on a cafe that might be interested in putting up some of the paintings. Here's hoping! I didn't get a chance to call the guy today, but I'm hoping to sneak in a call tomorrow. Must make that a priority on my to-do list. Even though life is busy, I cannot let this slide!! If anyone else has any ideas for local galleries, coffee shops, anything... please let me know! Thanks :)

So, tonight I painted another emoticon critter called "Queasy". Hmm... maybe I'm feeling nervous about this week after all... ;) Anyway, he's blue, and looks a bit unsettled. I like him. I think the four of them go very nicely together... Can't wait to post pics!

Anyway... tomorrow is the only day without a test, but Chris is back to 7:30am starts so it's going to be a bit of a madhouse getting out the door on time. Guess I'd better tuck myself into bed! Have a lovely evening and a great week!! Good night!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy October!

Ok... it officially feels like Fall to me now. October is a month of raking leaves, cooler temperatures, Fall colours... and of course, Hallowe'en!! We tried our daughter's costume on her today... it's a little big, but SOOOO cute!! She's going to be a caterpillar and our son is a pumpkin. It's not until the end of the month and I'm already looking forward to the photo op! Anyway... I guess we'll see how much it influences my painting ideas this month. Lots of inspiration!

Tonight I kept with my emoticon/cartoon thing and painted "Muse". I suppose a more appropriate title would be "musing" since I think the critter looks like he's thinking or daydreaming. But... I decided Muse was more open to interpretation. I'd love to find some stress balls that look like these guys. I have been keeping my eye out for them in stores (I have weak wrists) and have found lots of cute ones online. I think it would be fun to create some stress balls. Oh, it would be fun to create a good many things... but who has the time? Maybe that'll be next  year's project! That, and finding a job. :)

Anyway... as always, it's late and I'm tired. January first is going to feel so strange. No painting? Whatever will I do with myself? Oh yeah... study. ;) And celebrate (hopefully) the successful completion of this project! So... enjoy the rest of the weekend in or out of the rain... and share some happy with someone. Good night!

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