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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Twas the Night Before...

Today was a busy day... lots of packing and prep for our trip out West. I did manage to squeeze in some painting time while the kids were napping though! I'm feeling pretty good about it too. Finished an 8x10 that is inspired by "Valentine" and two 4x4s. The 8x10 is called "Heartstrings" and the two little ones don't have titles yet, but are of a cute little penguin and an owl.

I'm going to keep this post short because we're getting up at 4:30am. It's not much earlier than I was getting up for school, but any time the clock starts with a 4 it just feels really bad. I do not know how people who work early shifts or overnight do it! My body doesn't co-operate with me at that hour. Really, anytime before 7 and I'm moving pretty slowly! So... some sleep then a big trip. :)

I would feel weird about posting that we're going away, except that we have super vigilant neighbours who will practically be living at our house while we're gone... so it's no big deal. Besides... we don't have anything worth stealing! Except paintings... :) So, thanks to our friendly neighbours and have a great Christmas. I'll probably still blog while we're away... so you'll get to hear about our adventures. Good night!

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