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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Big Surprise!

When I opened the blog this evening (for the first time today) I was sitting there hoping to maybe just maybe crack 7500... since it was sort of close last night. Imagine my shock when it was well beyond my hopes! Over 140 page views today!! I wondered why... and then it became clearer that the big spike around 3pm was likely due to a re-airing of the CBC interview. I had no idea it was going on again. Thanks SO much to Olga Milosevich and the team at Information Morning for getting interested in the project and their amazing support! I had a lot of fun doing that interview too!

In other media news, I still don't know when, or if, the story in the Herald is going to run... but if it does I will definitely let everyone know. I think the youtube link still works as well... it's a good way to see and hear a bit more detail on the project and hopefully inspires others to come up with their own ways to support each other.

Today was a looooooong day. Or at least, it felt that way! It was evaluation day at school again. I was being a little ambitious and decided to try the last three skill sets I had. I wasn't sure I'd pass them all, but figured it didn't hurt to try, and it just might work out well. Plus, if I was unsuccessful I'd find out exactly what I needed to improve and I would still have next week. Lucky for me... I passed!!! :) So that's a huge stress relief! Then, after the regularly scheduled day, I went to the campus library to put the finishing touches on my specialties project. I didn't quite finish... my carefully laid plans of having Chris pick up the kids and have me bus home when I was done didn't quite mesh with his work schedule. So... I picked my daughter up (poor girl was the last one in her group still there) at 5pm, boogied across the bridge to pick my son up, then home way later than usual. I thought, ok, no problem... I can figure this out. I've done it before... I decided to save myself a headache and order pizza (the ordering is a rare treat) and then I'd actually have some time to play with my kids. I figured I had lots of veggies and some vegetable soup to supplement the pizza (topped with more veggies). Imagine my growing anxiety when instead of pushing supper back 20-30 minutes it started to stretch into an hour! Finally I called the place back and asked what was going on... turns out they got freakishly busy, the driver had a broken debit machine, and my order was still at the shop. Sigh. I did not flip out at them... though at that moment I sorely wanted to... but we managed to sort things out and I asked if there was any sort of "inconvenience discount"... didn't really expect anything, but again, never hurts to ask. They called me five minutes later to say the food was on its way and at no charge! That was even better than I had hoped! The poor delivery guy came to the door within minutes and he seemed like he was having a bad day himself. So, hopefully he cheered up a bit after leaving our place. :)

The kids were up late... but because of that, they managed to see their dad before bedtime! Chris put them both to bed so he could have some quality time. I totally enjoyed my time with them too. Usually if it's just me I end up stressed out and snappy trying to cook dinner, answer little boy questions, and fend off a hungry, crying baby who keeps sneaking off to the box of Cheerios. Well, at least the Cheerios part is cute... and my son is pretty great at amusing himself for long stretches of time. Just give the kid a book and he'll sit quietly reading for what seems like hours! Today, I got on the floor, read them each some stories, tossed some balls around, got out the tunnel and took some pics of the kids playing together. It was a good rest for the soul.

Then... I made cinnamon raisin granola bars (yum) and went off to paint. I think it turned out ok... it's a pug for a classmate. Not entirely sure I got the wrinkles quite right... but I think he's cute all the same. I love pugs!
Now... I'm going to bed. Must get to school early to finish my power point... only a slide or two to go...

Thanks to Everyone who came by today... the number jump was a big surprise and a really nice one!! Keep sharing and let's help some kids and spread the happy!! Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I found your site through The Chronicle Herald article! It's online today. Very interesting to read about!


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