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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Getting Run Down

You know you're a bit on the overtired side when you fall asleep anytime you stop actually doing anything! I conked out on the drive up to my parents house, and again on the way home. At least tonight I didn't fall asleep with a paintbrush in my hand! Small comfort...

I think, in three weeks, I'm going to start treating myself to 9:30pm bedtimes! Maybe that's what I'll ask Santa for, for Christmas... sleep in days and early nights. Oh my, I'm getting old. lol

Or, maybe it's just the past 343 nights of less sleep. Worth every bit though. :)

Isn't that crazy? It has been 343 days of this project. That's 343 paintings. 343!! Never in my wildest dreams...

So tonight I started the flower painting for Sue, the lovely cafeteria lady who makes great chicken wraps. Yes, I buy my lunch way more often than I should. Sigh. Anyway, she asked me if I could do a painting for a renovation she's doing and I said I would give it a shot. So, I think she may have wanted a larger canvas size, but the 5x5 was what I had. I've decided not to buy any more.... I have enough at home to see me to the end of the year, so I'll just have to work it out with what I've got. Shouldn't be hard... mostly I have 8x10s and 4x4s left. Good for doing a themed series! I called tonight's painting "Golden Moment" because it's a yellow flower on a turquoisy background. It made me think of all the words I could use for yellow, I settled on golden, and then one of the characters on the tv show I had on said "golden moment" and it just seemed to perfect to pass up. Of course, now that I think about it, I think she's planning on putting the painting in her newly decorated bathroom... so maybe that's not such a good title after all. Either that or it's perfect. ;)

Anyway... I'm going to take my mysteriously swollen eye to bed... it started aching yesterday, with no apparent reason... and if it's still bugging me in the morning I'm going to get checked out. Yup, I may be a bit overcautious about the medical stuff, it's the streak of hypochondria I have, but these are my eyes... I need them. So, cross your fingers that it feels fine tomorrow, or if I do have to go to the doctor, that it ends up being a super quick and easy fix! Hope everyone had a great Saturday... two weeks until Christmas! Good night!

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