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Monday, December 5, 2011

Eek!! Feeling the Pressure!

Ok... it's official... I am starting to feel like I'm slipping behind again. A friend just told me he thinks I'm holding it all together pretty well. I think he has no idea! However... it's not too late to hang on tight and giv'er. Maybe a little pressure is a good thing? We shall see...

I was planning on painting another dog tonight, but just didn't feel like I had enough time. I had to go out for some groceries and photo printing for Christmas cards, and by the time I got home it was after 9pm. Not so good for the painting or the homework! I did get some of both done... but my eyes are getting heavier and my fingers sloppier. Ugh.

Instead of a dog, I painted a greeny swirly pattern, augmented it with lighter green, then felt like making it more detailed so kept adding lines, and then finally, probably because I'm feeling a little anxious, I added some yellow and white and called it "Field of Daisies". I may have another painting with that name, I'm honestly not sure at this point! But it's a decidedly abstracted version of daisies. Not at all identifiable as a flower, but that's what it made me think of when I was done. So, there you go. My favourite flower makes yet another appearance! I guess I ought to mention it's on a 5x7 board! I almost always forget that detail...

And now, I'm typing and listening to my little guy coughing every twenty seconds or so... it's a bit depressing honestly. I know everyone says the first year of daycare is germy and hard... but I just want him to feel good for, oh, I don't know... a week? I count my lucky stars he's just getting colds and the occasional treatable infection... but still. There are lots of hugs and kisses at our house. I hope he gets some sleep...

Speaking of sleep... that's my subconscious telling me to get some too! BIG day tomorrow... oy. Have a lovely evening and see you tomorrow!


  1. Is it advisable to give toddlers vitamin supplements? Like Vitamin D? Maybe he needs more C too, help his immunity.

  2. Just caught the end of your interview on the CBC, wish I had heard it all. What a great thing to do and The children's Wish Foundation is such a great choice as a recipient of you amazing good deed!!


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