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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Front Page Picture!!

This has been the most awesome day!! I didn't know exactly when the article would appear in the Chronicle-Herald. In fact, I thought I might just have missed it. But no.... around lunch today, I was in the cafeteria buying a drink and one of the lovely ladies mentioned that they had seen my face on the front page of the paper. That was a bit of a shock as I knew it'd be in the Arts section, but that's not front page or anything. Lo and behold, there in the top left corner was a picture and a headline/caption. WOW! So, of course I bought a paper and went around with a huge silly grin on my face for the rest of the day. In fact, it's still pretty much plastered on! Then... imagine the extra boost of joy I felt when I logged onto blogspot here to see if we did crack 7800... only to find out it was at 8201!! As I write it's at an even 8300... so that takes it to over 600 page views just today! Hello to Turkey as well!

I even got some emails from people who had seen the article, and a few people are interested in seeing some of the paintings!! YAY! I can't tell you how excited I am that this is happening. For a little while it got a bit too easy to think that I'd be doing all of this for nothing... well, not nothing I suppose, I'd have 365 paintings to decorate my house... but now... well, with luck this will boost some interest and some sales and I'll get to hand over a bunch of wish-granting money to some very deserving kids!! Even though I am definitely not the Grinch, I think my heart grew a few extra sizes today with all the facebook sharing, blog views, comments, feedback and excitement for this project. Spread the Happy!!!

Anyway... it's getting later and later so I should probably discuss today's painting. It's called Twisted Twilight and it's a 5x7 board. Purple and green background and two twisty gnarled trees. I like it. I think in a black or black/white frame it'll look pretty sweet. I do like the boards framed... and I would happily frame them for people, but it is a matter of personal preference, and it adds to the cost of supplies. In case anyone is out there wondering about presentation of the paintings. Some are in frames, most are not. No real reason, it's just how it worked out!

So... here's to a fantastic amount of feedback and positive reaction! Thank you to everyone who took the time to look the blog up and send me an email today. It was wonderful to read the emails and I hope you all feel as good as I do for taking part in this project. Have a wonderful day tomorrow!! Good night. :)

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