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Sunday, December 11, 2011

There are too many paintings in my house!!

Phew... I went through all of the paintings that are currently in my house today. I sorted them by month, re-boxed them so they don't get wrecked, displayed some, got things all tidy and even sold three! It took pretty much all morning to go through everything. I've been trying to cross-reference what I have here at the house and what I know for sure has been sold. There are some on reserve... which I hope will change to 'sold' soon (hint hint, dear and wonderful friends who have said they want certain paintings)... and with all the end of school chaos it has been a bit too easy to not update things everywhere they need updating. So... I'm working on the paperwork side of things and getting it all cleaned up and accounted for.

I cannot believe that there are only three weeks left to this year. What am I going to do with myself in January?? Oh yeah, more school. hehehe

Yes, I have another project in mind... but I think it'll be less of a daily project and more of a monthly goal kind of thing. So as to take some of the pressure off and let me focus even more on school and my beautiful wonderful children. (and my husband!! Let's not forget about him!)

I've been enjoying the blogging as well, so maybe just maybe I'll start a new one for that project too. I know I've promised Chris to not do anything until school is over, but maybe I can talk him into this one little thing. ;)

So... this is the last week of school. Four days. Four tests. Bring it on! I managed to study a bit while waiting at the walk in clinic today. Yup, orthodontic instruments make for great waiting room reading. Woo-hoo. :) I actually feel pretty good about this week. Might be because I'm finished the practical evaluations... gives me an extra night to really focus on the book stuff, as well as lower the overall stress of the week. My plan is to bake a bunch (didn't get anywhere near as much done today as I'd like) and prep for our trip out west. I can't quite believe the first term of school is almost over! It really does feel like just yesterday I was starting again, all nervous about being a full-time student! I love it though... I really do. I like the learning environment, I love the challenges, and I don't even mind the assignments. Shh.... don't tell! So, wish me luck this week... I'll try to keep my head about me and not freak out too much. You might just see some weird paintings this week!

Speaking of paintings... you know, the reason for being here... I painted "Zen" tonight. It's a bowl of smooth grey stones with white flowers on long stems. That sounds a bit odd, but I don't know the name of the flowers so you'll have to take my word for it. I think they look pretty cool... peaceful anyway. I did it for Susan in the cafeteria at school. She asked me about a couple of ideas so last night and tonight I tried to do them up. I'll take them in with me tomorrow and see what she thinks. Oh, it's on a 4x4... I think. Might be a 5x5... Hmm... now I'm not sure... I need a ruler down there!

In other news... my husband is off this week so my little girl can switch daycares. She'll be with her big brother now. This should be interesting... I feel so bad on one hand that I'm taking her away from the place where she's comfortable and switching her so she has to get to know new people again. But on the other hand, she won't have to sit in the car for so long each day, she would have changed to the toddler room pretty soon at the first place anyway, and I won't be at school forever so she'd have to change at the end of the year regardless. Plus, this way she will be with her brother too... and she has met the teachers a few times so I think it will be less of a shock. Although I'll be a basket case tomorrow, I know she's in good hands and Chris will be right there to help her out. It is so strange to let go of the 'control' like this. I've gotten used to being the one to pick her up and drop her off. I kiss her goodbye in the morning... what am I going to do without that every day?? Oh I hope I don't cry tomorrow... good thing I never wear makeup!

Anyway... off to bed. I think my other eye is starting to feel gross now too, so hopefully some rest will stop that before it starts. Here's hoping! Good night everyone and think happy thoughts!

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